Ringleader Meeting VII
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The Seed Roleplaying Community » Posts by Kryigerof
Ringleader Meeting VII
Ringleader Meeting VI
Ringleader Meeting V
Ringleader Meeting IV
0:02 - 7:23
Ringleaders present: Eleanora of The Council of Elders, Mi of The Association of Free Colonists, Ashban of The Collective, Hama of The Children of Dawn, Samaritus of The Da Vinci Collaboration, Dash of The Initiative, Tyler of New Human Condition, Agama of Da Vincians, Chuang of The Outfitters, Rana of Floatbed Maintenance Crew, Tiki of Repair and Restoration Ring, Gosha of Central Matrix Compilers, Yuri of The Technocrats, and Carmene of The Umbra.
Chair: CHAIR
Topics of Discussion
The madness of the first colonists
The main topic of the fourth Ringleader Meeting was the unfortunate fate of Piotr, one of the first colonists. Eleanora detailed the events we were all far too familiar with: Piotr, using his excessive knowledge about the structure of the Tower, opened a hatch to the outside world and plunged himself down into the canyon. Quick action on the part of the Outfitters hopefully saved the Tower from damage caused by Piotr leaving the hatch open, but temperature had already lowered by and average of 3,4 degrees all around the Canyon area.
Oma, a ringless colonist with studies in human psychology, accounts Piotr's actions to a form of claustrophobia, developed during the centuries trapped into a small habitat. "Continued disappointment concerning the progress of the mission along with diminishing hopes of getting out of the tower may also have been factors", says Oma, "as well as repeated traumatisation caused by losing almost everyone he's known."
What more worrisome, two of the remaining nine first colonists have shown similar symptoms of anxiety and restlessness. Chuang of The Outfitters suggested quarantining Renato and Deetta in their floatbeds for the time being, to prevent them causing damage. Dispite Eleanora's objections, the meeting agreed to this.
Ringleader Meeting III
Ringleader Meeting II
Ringleader Meeting I
0:13 - 08:34
Ringleaders present: Eleanora of The Council of Elders, Mi of The Association of Free Colonists, Ashban of The Collective, Hama of The Children of Dawn, Cassia of the Dreamers of Gaia, Samaritus of The Da Vinci Collaboration, Dash of The Initiative, Tyler of New Human Condition, Agama of Da Vincians, Chuang of The Outfitters, Rana of Floatbed Maintenance Crew, Tiki of Repair and Restoration Ring, Gosha of Central Matrix Compilers and Yuri of The Technocrats.
[i]Chair: Reneb of The Da Vinci Collaboration
Topics of Discussion
1. Establishing a regular meeting
It was generally agreed that communication between different rings is paramount to the success of the mission we all share. Thus, the ringleaders present decided to make the Ringleader Meeting a regular, monthly event. The time of the meetings is the third of each month, and the meeting begins at 0:00.
2. Establishing the authority of the meetings
There was a lot of discussion on whether the Ringleader Meetings should be purely advisory or whether it should hold some kind of authority over the individual rings. Samaritus of The Da Vinci Collaboration, as well as Dash of The Initiative, strongly supported giving the meeting a legal power that would bind the individual rings to its decicions. Different voting methods were also discussed. However, in the end, the idea didn't gain much support from the other ringleaders. After all, as Rana of Floatbed Maintenance Crew pointed out, there is no efficient way to control those not complying to the rulings. Fines of AP were suggested, but since TAU Surveillance Ring didn't send a representative to the meeting, nor was available to comment, that line of thought was not taken further.
3. Establishing the form of the meetings
It was decided that the meetings will be mainly between ringleaders or their representatives. A limited number of audience questions will be accepted after the ringleaders have finished discussing each topic. Every ringleader was given equal opportunity to speak.
Before the meetings, the Chair will gather the topics of discussion and publish them so the participants can prepare their statements. No extra points of discussion will be accepted barring special circumstances. The Chair will also write detailed minutes into this thread after the meeting. Reneb of The Da Vinci Collaboration volunteered to the task of the Chair.
4. Spare part production
Rana of Floatbed Maintenance Crew stated that the setups of factories CAN-CAA-0003 and CAN-CAA-0005 hinder the production of spare parts for microscale power systems. Agama of Da Vincians said, however, that the factories are needed to produce additional Atomic Storage Units and Quantum Processors to improve the performance of the scientific computing network in Labspace. No conclusion was reached in this matter.
5. Improving communication methods
It was unanimously agreed that the communication methods at the colonists' disposal are far from being efficient enough. TAU has provided us with only rudimentary necklink communication abilities, far from being flexible enough for our needs. Instead of focusing on parallel low-technology communications we've been using thus far, Cassia of Dreamers of Gaia suggested that we learn to take usage of TAU's own protocols to create our customized system. Dispite some considerable scepticism, TAU Basecode Project, led by Cassia of Dreamers of Gaia, was started.
Quite correct, Mehken.
EDIT: Wasn't too surprised when I learned about the connection. You need some pretty strange inspiration to create a bunch of tiny magical fantasy bears with the special ability to turn into rubberballs on legs.
Okay, it's my turn again, it seems.
So, what's the connection between these two products?
1. Elaine Belloc
2. Archangel Michael
3. Guardian of Hedgehogs
Really annoying. I know what comic it's all about, I just can't find the damn girl anywhere!
Today's game has been rescheduled to Sunday March 11th, 17:00 GMT, because I'll be too busy partying in real life.
Everyone, please put a message here, indicating if you'll make it.
I also seem to have missed this lesson in general knowledge.
Yes, maybe the next hint could be something that helps even if you've never seen that show.
That's definately interesting. A bit vague, though. Is the competition game also commercial, or is the game he gives the winner to direct another one? If the competition game is commercial (it's supposed to be "major") it's more than a little suspect that not everyone gets payed.
Since we didn't play today, we'll try rescheduling to Sunday 25th, at 17:00 GMT. Please mention here if you have a problem with that.
Dammit... You were supposed to be the center of attention with that power situation and all...
1. Correct
2. Correct
3. Correct. I'd add that this repeat-the-day structure allows time-based puzzles where you have to be at a certain place at a certain time a do some thing. In other words, the world around you isn't static, just waiting for you to solve the next puzzle.
The Fate Point system is never intended for a typical combat-fest MMORPG, but for a moderat combat one. So if they get in a situation where they're needing to go on a mission where combat is likely, then it isn't a suitable world for Permadeath.
I don't understand this. If combat is part of the game, then surely there are situations where it's likely? Some of those probably being missions people go on voluntarily. Apparently it's likely enough to eat away a few Fate Points now and then, or otherwise what's their point?
With the Pendragon model, you have the problem of characters being killed before they manage to found a family- that's often the case in the tabletop Pendragon campaign as well. The family system would reverse the trend of MMOPGS- there would be serious, indeed final, consequences for death in the early stages but once a character is well-established, the player has a powerbase that will be very difficult to destroy.
Trivial. If you die early, you pick a brother of sister or cousin or whatever next. There's always someone to put a claim on the estate.
As an amendment to the Fate Point sytem, how about a "chance of permadeath" score? A percentage chance of surviving a potentially fatal incident, which goes up slowly with time and drops after each survival. This produces the same effect as the Fate Points, but the player can never know for certain if his characters will survive (unless it's at 100%). Particularly fatal or not so dangerous situations might have reduced or increased survival chances. And ideally, a player would never be told what his survival chance is at any given time- he might suspect it is high or low, but will never know for certain until his character dies or survives.
I'd probably like to play in this system. It'd probably allow a few plunders or strikes of bad luck and still have the possibility of death looming about. But it doesn't address what happens when you eventually do permadie. No matter how many times you didn't die before, you'd still get very pissed off after you die.
This would also lead to a kind of a "certain death curve", at least if applied to a game where death (or near-death) can't be reasonably avoided completely. Meaning at certain point of the career of the average character he's more or less certain to die. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
The ideal method from my point of view would be to introduce a detailed wound system such as Seed had, which has the potential for death. Remove any chance of INSTANT death, and have a fallen character need to be stabilised by someone else before they bleed to death. Introduce a ransom or slavery system or the like to encourage people to capture fallen characters rather than kill finish them off. And have realistic healing times and infection chances, so that people will really feel the effects of combat even if they don't get killed.
Agreed. As long as none of this leads to death, it'd be great fun. And even death might not feel as stupid if it wasn't sudden. This combined with a way to not lose everything upon death, would be great, in my opinion.
An interesting suggestion, though not without problems, either. If players have these "lives", then people would indeed be more careful with combat and these near-misses wouldn't happen as ridiculously often as usual. But actually dying would still result in loss of achievement, and thus be something no one ever wants to happen (particularly the devs who want people's money).
This could result in some rather bizarre situations like: "I can't join the mission today. I have used up my last bit of Karma, so I'll have to wait two weeks before trying combat again. Sorry." Many people might get frustrated for having to wait as a "death penalty" (or do whatever it takes to regain fate points).
I'd still prefer a system that makes death part of the experience without taking too much away when it happens. The Pendragon model wouldn't suit your generic MMO, true - the whole concept should be built with permadeath in mind.
I was just glancing around this thread and started to wonder how to solve the problems associated with permadeath. The two main problems to it seem to be:
1) Loss of hard work, such as character skills and possessions. In other words, hours and hours of grinding gone to waste.
2) Stupid deaths, such as deaths due to lagspikes, or getting into too hard a fight without being able to know that beforehand.
I don't really know how to handle number two, but number one made me think about Pendragon. In Pendragon, you're not playing so much a character (even though you still control one at a time) but a family. During a typical campaign your first character will have died of old age way before the end.
In a Pendragon MMORPG, each player would play a family, and the gameplay would focus on gaining wealth and prestige to pass on to your descendants. Thus, the only thing you'd lose on death would be your character's skills (which could be made less important than the, hum, absurd ability ladder in in most MMOs). Inheritage is, in no way, a new idea, but I think the family aspect is perfectly implemented in Pendragon. Playing generations after generation is the thing, not a patch to mitigate the ill effects of permadeath.
So, any other thoughts on the topic of permadeath? Or is it just a dumb idea altogether?
1. Name the game.
2. What do the aliens want with Earth?
3. What's special about the puzzle structure of this game?
3. 1309/10 AD, probably North African in origin.
(Okay, that took some heavy googling.:))
1. Astrolabe
2. Astronomy, Astrology, Navigation. A versatile device with which you can, for instance, locate and predict the locations of celestial bodies, determine local time from longitude and vice versa, or perform triangulation.
3. Some historians credit the invention to Greek mathematician Hipparchus, others to Hypatia of Alexandria. So the time and place would be a couple of hundred years BC, and place the Mediterranian.
(Credit to the wondrous Wikipedia. Just figured that thing looked like some kind of an astronomy/navigation device and the rest was easy.:))
The Seed Roleplaying Community » Posts by Kryigerof
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