(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Yeah it does.
And here I thought it would be easy even if people didn't know it right away smile


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Geez you guys suck, this was supposed to be easy smile
OK here's a few hints:
The name of the religion should be apparent from the symbol.
The setting is one of Wizards of the Coasts main D&D settings.


(57 replies, posted in Saga of Ryzom)

Geez that was a long read.

Well here are my comments:

I agree that death is not death. I'm not sure about the portals but someone must have created them so it stands to reason that they are focus-points for Kami or Karavan power.
Perhaps only a chosen few are saved by the K/K. It is clear that people do die permanently in the world so obviously the do not save everyone from everything. I don't think we have to agree to an explanation for this. We may very well have differing opinions of this IG. For example Faeron is obviously saved because of his devotion to the Kami (or so he would probably say), Artash may have another explanation and Perun yet a third.

I agree with everything else, the only problem I've had with the communication thing is when I've been contacted by outsiders they often don't quite get it and I even though I explain it OOC too it's not something I like spending a lot of time on.

Also I agree very much with Kryigerof about the level-gap thing. This is one of the biggest killers to me too. I don't see that anything can be done about it but it and I'm not quite sure how to roleplay it either.


(72 replies, posted in Sava's Garden)

Yes welcome to the madhouse smile


Well emotes are ok but in my opinion not that essential. It is possible to use the * * thing instead although of course it doesn't work quite as well.

I believe one thing that Seed did was that it made everything blend in so well.
For example the facts that you die and come back in some way in most MMOs quite break the mood for me. Or the fact that people can talk over endless distances without any explanation (in Seed we all had necklinks to cover that). Seed had IG explanations for pretty much everything which in my opinion makes it much easier to RP in.

OF course an evolving world is part of that as well. If the world doesn't evolve it's harder for RP to evolve.

But all these things of course only work with players dedicated to RP. People who refuse to RP or even try to annoy you on purpose when you RP can really ruin it for me.
Most MMOs mostly seem to be different versions of Diablo with some additional background thrown in..these kinds of games attract people who play them like Diablo (i.e. kill,kill,kill).
Other than Seed I don't know of any game that has fullfilled all of this.....

URU does sound like it has some promise though perhaps I will try it out sometime smile


(78 replies, posted in Steambaths)



(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)


Of which religion is this a symbol. In what fantasy world does this religion exist and in which country in that world is this religion the most widely spread?


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Well noone answered my word-association either smile
I'm so disappointed noone knows anything about boardgames smile
Well the answers are (of course)

This is the Tremendous Troll from Avalon Hills Magic Realm. The numbers that are supposed to be on the back is 2 and 6(first edition had a misprint of this)

I'll try to find something easier and post it later smile


(15 replies, posted in Saga of Ryzom)

Well this saddens me a lot less than what happened to Seed but still....
Maybe we can start getting payed for NOT joining a MMO smile
Oh well I'll keep playing and see what happens...


(57 replies, posted in Saga of Ryzom)

I mostly agree as well. Even if it is a bit restricting. And yes I have played it as not solely depending on magic but also on relation and the like.

I certainly don't think there is any reason the guild-channel should be much different at present. I don't know if it would be harder or easier to use the guild-channel.
For one your relationship with guildmates would make it easier.
The fact that you are sending to several people could make it harder (as there are more) or easier (as you are broadcasting instead of focusing on one individual).



(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)


OK let's see if this is a bit tougher smile
Name the game, the monster and what numbers should be printed on the opposite side of it.

This is undoubtedly my kind of thinking, as well. If we do take that path, I've got... rather a lot of ideas to heap into the project. Magic and mystic knowledge should be obscure and dangerous. The occult is still interesting even after you realise what it's about because of the texture and detail of it. On no account should we let it deteriorate into mundane chatter about how best to use a fireball spell.

I agree with this too although I am still wondering how you will go about implementing this in the D&D system. I mean with this groups roleplaying the setting will most likely not be a big issue but if the D&D magic system is used, magic is hardly obscure and certainly not dangerous(Except for wish perhaps). I guess a wizard could roleplay saving his Magic Missiles for emergencies because he's afraid they will let demons into the world or some such but that does kinda make the wizard underpowered.

Of course if we are not tampering too much with the D&D-ruleset we could just disallow spellcasting-classes at least to some extent(like only half of your levels can be in spellcasting-classes). But I guess that all comes down to how adaptable the rules are as I don't think the standard D&D rules are the most suitable for this kind of world. (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay or some such would have been more appropriate)

Well I don't mind FR much (although I'm more of an Eberron fan and thus must disagree with Olufs previous statement).

If we want to create a new setting it seems to me there are two parts to it.
One is creating the world and the background and I agree  with Ahnion that this part should not be a problem but it will take some time.

The other part is fitting the the system and the world together.
That has to depend on how much customization can be done with the toolset. But if this is basicaly D&D then you will have to make a world that will fit the system not just the other way around.

I'll probably get NWN2 sometime later this week and I'll be happy to play with you guys no matter what the world is smile


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

John Constantine in Hellblazer.

And for the bonus-points:
Alan Moore first introduced the bastard back in the early days of Swamp Thing.
He shares blood with the demon Nergal.
Most of his friends die (mostly because of something John did).
Oh and of course the devil gets the finger everytime (Although he does seem to use that finger an awfull lot towards other people, demons and other beasties as well).

And yes this was the character portrayed recently by Keanu in the movie Constantine but the illustrated novels are a lot better smile


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Right you are smile


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)


Name the two characters, the name of the series, the writer of the series and the artist


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

I'll post a new one tonight or tomorrow


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Myst IV: Revelation, I believe.
Aytrus and his daughter Yeeshah.
Wifes name is Kathehrin, and the sons are Akehnahr and Sihrus.


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(26 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Copenhagen, Denmark