You are assuming a lot here. Plus paying that many GMs is not viable. And second, people that are payed do not have that strong incentive to make good RP, passion is much stronger one. I am sure volunteers will make more exciting events than a payed crew! (As I have seen it in EVE online.) And "spilling" for plots is something that even payed GMs cannot guarantee.
That's assuming a paid crew would have no passion .
There's also the matter of a sort of guarantee of minimum level of skill and quality, passion cannot guarantee that (as *I* have seen in other games where players run the RP ). I'd rather not see 'events' at all (too artificial), but more like it was in Seed: you just RP and so do the GMs, and some of the time you don't even know if a character is a GM or dev or not.
If GMs come from the community... this one? Not many of us would have the time and not all would want to. From a broader community who flock to the game after it becomes open source?