(2 replies, posted in Games Discussion)


I have been keeping an eye on multiverse for quite a while now. Their intention is to make the engine open to everyone, they will only earn money if the game itself earns anything

the firefly setting sure is an interresting one... hope they manage to make a good game!

i only read your post real fast darkhawk but just wanna point out one thing, you said: You can't understand why things exist, as opposed to not exist no matter what you do with science.

Well... none of us knows. science is missing some important things imo... for example science is almost as fanatic as some religions which is a big mistake imo.

Some would even claim that science is simply an other form of religion...


(12 replies, posted in Neverwinter Nights 2)

easy now.... nwn2 is really good considering the standard of all other games around.... but its not *that* good wink

I might look into this PW once obsidian has released a few more patches and the world has had time to develope a bit. It does seem to have many of the elements i would be interrested in smile


(25 replies, posted in Steambaths)

yeah seriously i think the tank is one of the best of the ones you have made so far.... great concept (not to mention that it looks cool as well wink )

Yeah I have to get my hands on it first as well

hm, i would perfere a play by email game as well.... but at the same time i really want to play aplha centauri heh

One of the games i am ashamed of not having played...alpha centauri!

But yeah... I am always up for sci-fi... sci-fi rules big_smile


(25 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Its great hatetank! Do some more of those big_smile

Yes, slow is needed for me to be interreseted as well.
It does provide a lot of interresting rp oppotunities and its a new (at least for me) way to do rp so it could be fun!

FreeCiv looks good, its basicly just CIV2/3 for free, right?

I am interrested!

I dont know any of the games you suggest but it sounds like it could be a lot of fun!

yay! thanks for the translation! smile

I still get sad when thinking about all this potential... but nice to read this anyway!

voice chat would ruin imission imo... People would easily be able to hear my rather weird sounding english... what if i wanted to play a person with no language problems at all? wink

Anyway, the point with having explanations for everything in-game is actually pretty good (and something i havent thought of myself) and I agree that it should be there. Will help a lot if people know how to roleplay different things
Just look at what happende when a mis-tell was sent over seed with the necklink...confussion all over becuase we werent quite aware if a mistell could actually happen! wink

"but by nature a lot of RPers seem to have social issues" ...well...i disagree with this statement smile

Anyway. What is needed is not only emotes ect imo. What is needed is also an ongoing storyline that the players are able to alter and change depending on what each person does. There should be no static quests at all, all the storylines should come from GMs/a story department. Of couse that is utopi... smile In "rl" (funny term to use when speaking of MMOs hehe) semi-static quests could work I think...as long as it still feels like the players got an impact on the world and story.
The game would also have to support more background stories then seed did...we were all speedgrown and bam! Out in the world. Of couse there you had to focus your char on his/hers current goals which help moved the story onwards instead of everyone standing around talking about their childhood.

As for the setting itself. That is not an easy question. Most settings would work but i would personally perfere either : sci-fi or semi future (ie in 50-80 years).... Mostly becuase these settings have not been explored so much in computer games yet i guess.

I have yet to try the perfect roleplaying mmo...but seed was pretty darn close! smile

Sigur Ros - Andvari

Great band I recently learned about...You should check it out big_smile

Lets get some more votes...and more action on this forum as well big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Saga of Ryzom)

Yay..the more the better smile

Welcome! I dont play SoR but I hope to have a chance to rp with you at some other time big_smile


(15 replies, posted in Saga of Ryzom)

oh...just when i read that i was afraid the game was closing down!

This can be both good and bad...will depend on who is buying the game/company


(33 replies, posted in DVI-Net)

I got the following error when I tried to move a topic (without leaving a re-direct topic) :

Bad HTTP_REFERER. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source. If the problem persists please make sure that 'Base URL' is correctly set in Admin/Options and that you are visiting the forum by navigating to that URL. More information regarding the referrer check can be found in the PunBB documentation.

I had a look at the editor again tonight.

I made a small module (very small...only one location, very few monsters and very little of everything else as well wink ) that i invite you all to give a go if you want too... there isnt much to do there - but follow the road and see what happens smile

http://www.imperial-guard.dk/nwn2/test02.mod  ( note: at the time of this post i am still uploading, the file is around 28mb and it will be done uploading in around 20 mins or so)

As i said, its quite small but i just wanted to test it out and see what i could do with it in an hour.

For the moment this setting appeals to me the most as well.... that extra bit of information on what you could do in this setting helped quite a bit!

I like the idea of hunting and in general making sure you survive. The downside is that there will most likely be less politics and stuff like that... but that could come with the addition of more tribes i guess

A setting like this might not include your traditional monsters.... but there could be different human factions fighting in the city. For example, a few different nobel families and a few different thives guilds.

However... My main concern about this setting is what kryigerof points out... what would the players be doing when not rp'ing or following a gm story?
In the Vinland setting there are more exploration posibilites then there is in this setting imo

Hm interresting.

The main problem for me with this setting is that i know close to nothing about the history of prague...it would be much more difficult for new players to get a "feel" for the setting i think. But of couse some well-written background story could make up for this.


(34 replies, posted in Sava's Garden)

I wonder if you misunderstood me ahnion... so just to make sure you didnt : I like simple sites as well but i dont like sites with only a simple one colored-frame outside all the content... wink
Its just like gameplay vs gfx... the gameplay can be much more enjoyable if the gfxs are good and helps create the setting big_smile

4) Seems unlikely we'll be able to play races besides humans. (tiefling and elves fan)

Just to comment on this setting:

I quite like the idea. One question: Will there be magic/magical beasts in this setting? If yes, why, if no why not wink

I think the inclussion of some sorts of supernatual creatures might be interresting...as long as they are extreemly rare (ie only pop up when releated to a "big" storyline)


(34 replies, posted in Sava's Garden)

oh i forgot something... We should also write up a agenda of sorts. So interrested people know what the heck we are trying to do here wink