(23 replies, posted in Floatbed Dreams)

Sounds great. smile

Do you have any ideas on how runestone knew about that "tree-idea"?
I mean, was that a story in the forum? Or are there hundreds of GMs standing around in the game and see what the players are talking? Do they look in their logs?
Or what was that? *interested*


(23 replies, posted in Floatbed Dreams)

Oh you mean, in a game everything should have an effect on everything else? smile
I'm already thinking of how I can make the game as complex as possible.

Let me give an example: (it may sound stupid ^^)
In a game there are 3 objects. 3 Computers. Computer A is standing on the coordinates 0/0 Computer B is standing on 10/0 and Computer C is standing on 67/58.
If these Computers work together on <anything>, then Computer A and B can work good together, because they (normally) don't have such a high ping, like Computer A and C.

Okay.. that's an example. Is it that what you mean with "everything (here: distance) should have an effect on everything (and so on the story)"?

Or do you only mean things like "I've killed that monster named 'Gragh Boss', so why can other players kill it too?".

Or both? Or neither one nor the other thing? smile


(23 replies, posted in Floatbed Dreams)

Okay, that's what I've thought.
So it's really only RP?

What do you think, that I should make in my game. Things like games, that can be played while people chat and maybe eat something?
I really understand, what you mean with "only RP", I've played a lot games only because of "RP" too, but isn't there anything else too? X)

For example, I play a lot of games not because of the RP, but because of the great feeling I have, when I do something for my Guild/Town/Team (for example get money, so that the town where I life can get a.. nice looking fountain).
Was there the an incitation to for example get out of the tower and look at the world there?

It's so: I can for example make a variable named "Tech" and increase it every time a player is doing something in a laboratory. I just don't know, if I should add a brand new feature to my webgame, or if I should increase the efficiency of machines, so that players can get more "Tech" and the efficiency is more increased and so on. ^^


(23 replies, posted in Floatbed Dreams)

Hi and hello! smile

I am the brother of a guy, that "testet" Seed for some days and knew not that much about it.
Since the last few weeks I am very interested in everything about seed and "games without war".

Because I am trying to make a webgame, that comes out without war since that time.

Now, Seed was the without war MMORPG that sound best for me and that's why I try to make my game a little bit like Seed.

Okay, to the topic - I've got only one question:
[big]Why have you played Seed?[/big]
I mean.. I want to know, what was your goal in this game? (like "Become very rich", or so)

I think this question and what I want sounds a bit stupid and I also think, that there's no simple answer on it. Maybe it was also the RP and the community? I don't know, but I want to be inspirited. I need something like "work" for the players. A reason for them to (for example) repair everything and to run the economic. :sweat:
edit: I mean, I need an incitation for the players

Oh and please don't hurt me, because of that question. :mrgreen: