Name: Da Vinci Information Network
Formed: 2.10.104
Organization: Organic
Leadership: One leader (the editor)
Status: Active
The Da Vinci Information Network is your means of getting the news and stories of the colony quickly and accurately. We report on important events, accidents, and crises as soon as they happen but we also make deeper enquiries into the everyday life in the Tower. We make coverages on ongoing projects, the opinions and attitudes of the people, and anything that has an impact on your life.
If you're interested in writing about things that interest you and others, please contact our editor. Necessary qualities for a journalist are impartiality, good people skills, and a will to go as far as it takes to get to the truth behind things. It's not an easy job but it's a rewarding one, and one of utmost importance to the Tower community.
Lange (f) - leader
Sergei - handler
Hamian (m) - handler