(0 replies, posted in Ring Information)

Name: Da Vinci Information Network
Formed: 2.10.104
Organization: Organic
Leadership: One leader (the editor)
Status: Active

The Da Vinci Information Network is your means of getting the news and stories of the colony quickly and accurately. We report on important events, accidents, and crises as soon as they happen but we also make deeper enquiries into the everyday life in the Tower. We make coverages on ongoing projects, the opinions and attitudes of the people, and anything that has an impact on your life.

If you're interested in writing about things that interest you and others, please contact our editor. Necessary qualities for a journalist are impartiality, good people skills, and a will to go as far as it takes to get to the truth behind things. It's not an easy job but it's a rewarding one, and one of utmost importance to the Tower community.

Lange (f) - leader
Sergei - handler
Hamian (m) - handler

OK, just a reminder: we play next Sunday (February 10th).


(12 replies, posted in Forum RP)

There was a quiet hum as the capsule zoomed upwards...

The Biospace, located above the Canyon was part of the terraforming machinery. A complex system of massive tanks, pipes, pools, and chambers was used to grow, boil, mix and distill the various life-forms to be sent out to the outside world. While TAU went about its masterplan, humans scurried about the plentiful supply of biomatter, taxing it here and there for their own purposes. Levels after levels of platforms, connected by bridges and elevators had been built in the spaces between the tanks and pipelines, equipped with labs and factories and various gardens all dealing with life in one way or another.

The air was warm and humid as Siyanda and Johnathan stepped out at the Tubelift Central at the mid-level of Biospace. The floors and walls around were covered by growths of various fungi, algae, even small weeds. The tanks and pools leaked at various places, releasing spores and nutricients to the air, allowing for growth. The life was mostly harmless to the machinery here, though, so instead of trying to keep it all tidy, the colonists used it as soil to grow magnificent gardens of trees and flowers and meadows.

They needed to take two elevators down to get to level 3. It was a long, narrow platform between two tanks of bubbling, green algae. Siyanda helped Johnathan carry along the biomatter container as they made their way towards the other end, between smiling scientists and gardeners.

But they never reached their destination.


(12 replies, posted in Forum RP)

... Siyanda silenced him with a wave.

"Stop apologizing, please", she said. "You apologize far too much. Mostly for good reason, though, I give you that. But still, it gets tiresome."

They were in one of the minor stops of the tube lift. Siyanda finished up the supercoils, and they entered the capsule together. Inside, there was a column of buttons. The labels included: "Top Level", "Biospace", "The Canyon", "TAU Master Core", a stop with no label, and "The Speedgrowth Chambers".

"Where are you heading with that?" Siyanda asked.


(9 replies, posted in Lore)


Problem: The lowest part of the Tower is flooded by water.
Cause: The flood gates were broken by the huge floods caused by melting ice.
Symptoms: The malfunctions in the Speedgrowth Chambers, especially column 6, may be because of this.
Attempts for a fix: None have been made so far, considering even reaching the Lower Cluster is a problem. Building new flood gates outside of the Tower have been suggested.
Status: A severe problem (Oct 104).


(9 replies, posted in Lore)


Problem: There's are harmful biological agents inside the Tower.
Cause: Some of the agents are microscopic life-forms either native to Da Vinci or resulting from the terraforming process. Either way, they make their way in from the outside. The overpressuse keeps most of the airborne spores and microbes out, but some grow along the surface of the tower, growing their way inside. Once inside, they're very hard to dispose of.
Symptoms: Some of the agents are harmful to the health of the colonists (there's been epidemics), while others reside inside machines interfering with their function. Some even corrode away at metal.
Attempts for a fix: The overpressure keeps the worst of it out. In addition, Bio Security Squad regularly seeks out and cleans infested areas.
Status: A constant problem that might get out of hand at any time (Oct 104).


(8 replies, posted in Lore)

TAU Space Message Boards

Location: The Middle Cluster
Access: Public
Provided by: Da Vinci Collaboration

This database holds discussions about various topics ranging from everyday matters, such as bargain deals, to tower-shaking arguments about the fate of the colony.


(8 replies, posted in Lore)

The Project Database

Location: The Middle Cluster
Access: Public
Provided by: TSR

This database contains data on the various projects going on in the tower.


(8 replies, posted in Lore)

The Colonist Database

Location: The Middle Cluster
Access: Public
Provided by: TSR

This database contains personal profiles (with images included) about all the colonists in the Middle Cluster. Among other things, it contains information about their ring membership, position, and floatbed training. The same database also has the information about the rings themselves.


(9 replies, posted in Lore)

The Swiss Cheese Phenomenon

Problem: The Canyon and many connected areas aren't airtight. Far from it. Instead, it's connected to the outside world.
Cause: When the big rock hit the Tower, it caused cracks - especially at the spot where the top of the Tower used to be. Some areas have been sealed off by Radlocks, but The Canyon is too spacious for that.
Symptoms: Without the overpressure (see below), the Canyon would be filled with air from the outside, with its biological contaminants, as well as lower air pressure, oxygen amounts, and temperature. In addition, massive amounts of energy is wasted for the heating of The Canyon.
Attempts for a fix: Currently, the situation is being kept under control by applying overpressure inside The Canyon.
Status: Definately a problem as shown during The Blackout.


(9 replies, posted in Lore)

Fragmentation of the Mirror Database

Problem: The Mirror Database located in The Middle Cluster is severely damaged. Lots of data has been lost and the rest has been fragmented enough to make the database practically useless to the common colonist.
Cause: When the big rock hit the tower, it caused a huge power spike in one of the conduits. This fried the systems.
Symptoms: No access to huge amounts of data, among others historical (both Earth and the Tower).
Attempts for a fix: TSR is in the process of defragmenting the remaining data. Sometimes they've shared their findings. The TAU Master Processes Project hopes to reconnect to the TAU Master Processes which may have their own mirror intact.
Status: A severe problem at the moment (Oct 104).


(9 replies, posted in Lore)

Dependence on the Floatbeds

Problem: The colonists can't survive for more than a few days without being able to visit the floatbeds.
Cause: The natural digestion and waste handling systems of the colonists have been turned off by physiological modifications. The purpose of this is to make them not need to grow food or take care of their wastes. (Another effect is their sterilization.)
Symptoms: Having to return to the floatbeds every 24 hours or became exhausted and nauseated. After two days in the row the feelings become near unbearable, and lead to death in about five.
Attempts for a fix: Stimulants and Inhibitors are used to stretch the time one can act and survive without access to the floatbeds. Several projects have also been formed to address the problem, most notably Mira's Custom Floatbed Project and Corteza's Counter-Tampering Project.
Status: Not an immediate threat - as long as the floatbeds remain functional... (Oct 104)


(57 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

A couple new problems described.


(9 replies, posted in Lore)

Disconnected from the Seedship in Orbit

Problem: There is no contact with the Solidarity monitoring the terraforming process from orbit.
Cause: Contact with the Solidarity was lost before the first human was speedgrown. After the Solidarity settled on a place for the first tower and sent down everything needed, contact was somehow lost, perhaps due to the even more extreme weather supposedly plaguing the old tower.
Symptoms: Lack of data about the global status of the planet; no access to status reports from Earth.
Attempts for a fix: Stray thoughts about building shuttles to visit the station.
Status: Not immediately threatening but not solved either (Oct 104)


(12 replies, posted in Forum RP)


Siyanda was one of the tenth patch of the First Colonists. Her radiant brown eyes matched with her rough dark skin, both radiating strength and determination. Her skill as a mechanical engineer was unmatched even by The Legendary Six, and when it came to redirecting power conduits, she was a step away from a sorceress.

So, this one day, only a regular day it looked from the outside, she was realigning a series of supercoils down in The Lower Cluster, when...


(12 replies, posted in Forum RP)

This was moved from one of the STSC forums. Even though it's purpose is to generate content into that specific campaign world, don't hesitate to participate even if you're not playing in it.

Concept and Rules (OOC)

Hi. I was just reading about forum RP, and that made me think about combining the STSC campaign with some of that.

The idea here is to generate some new lore about the history of the Tower by using the usual method familiar from forum RP. What we'll be writing here is, basically, legends told by the current colonists about the First Colonists. After all, most recordings from that time were lost in the database crash and the last remaining First Colonists are either not very forthcoming (Felman), not big on storytelling (Sebastian), or see the past through the golden goggles of legend themself (The Council of Elders). Thus, the colonists rely muchly on oral tradition when it comes to the lives and deeds of the First Colonists.

That gives us some artistic freedom when we go about writing these stories. Even though we should try to keep them feasible enough to be potentially true, we don't have to worry too much about conflicting with the "official lore" in my head. As far as these stories are concerned, there's no GM. Everyone's free to describe scenery or new characters.

As an extra option, if you don't like where someone is taking the story, you can say something along the lines of "that's not how it went" - after all, this is people telling the stories. Your idea can, of course, be contested as well.

For those concerned about knowing only what their characters know, these stories are part of the basic lore known by anyone who's interested to listen to rumors and stories.

I hope you'll give this experiment a chance.


(57 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

Added an experimental forum RP.


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

All correct.


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Okay, some hints:

1. The actor has also played the part of Yet Another Boss in 24, season 6, as well as a short guy in a certain piece of geek culture.
2. His last name is the most common one in the English speaking world.
3. Here are the main characters of the show:


(1 replies, posted in Lore)


Siyanda was one of the tenth patch of the First Colonists. Her radiant brown eyes matched with her rough dark skin, both radiating strength and determination. Her skill as a mechanical engineer was unmatched even by The Legendary Six, and when it came to redirecting power conduits, she was a step away from a sorceress.

So, this one day, only a regular day it looked from the outside, she was realigning a series of supercoils down in The Lower Cluster, when...


(1 replies, posted in Lore)

Concept and Rules (OOC)

Hi. I was just reading about forum RP, and that made me think about combining the STSC campaign with some of that.

The idea here is to generate some new lore about the history of the Tower by using the usual method familiar from forum RP. What we'll be writing here is, basically, legends told by the current colonists about the First Colonists. After all, most recordings from that time were lost in the database crash and the last remaining First Colonists are either not very forthcoming (Felman), not big on storytelling (Sebastian), or see the past through the golden goggles of legend themself (The Council of Elders). Thus, the colonists rely muchly on oral tradition when it comes to the lives and deeds of the First Colonists.

That gives us some artistic freedom when we go about writing these stories. Even though we should try to keep them feasible enough to be potentially true, we don't have to worry too much about conflicting with the "official lore" in my head. As far as these stories are concerned, there's no GM. Everyone's free to describe scenery or new characters.

As an extra option, if you don't like where someone is taking the story, you can say something along the lines of "that's not how it went" - after all, this is people telling the stories. Your idea can, of course, be contested as well.

For those concerned about knowing only what their characters know, these stories are part of the basic lore known by anyone who's interested to listen to rumors and stories.

I hope you'll give this experiment a chance.


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

And still no editing... Please copypaste.


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

OK, contrary to my beliefs, here's an obscure TV reference:


1. Name the actor.
2. Name the character.
3. Name the movie/show.


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Oh, it did look familiar! It's the Java logo!


(27 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

42. Pretty Cool, Huh! (3.-16.10.104)

I walked by the sermon of The One Faith the other day. There was a broken chimbot in the middle of their circle. Are they worshipping TAU as a god now, perhaps providing the bot as a sacrifice?
Corteza's project has some great momentum going. At this speed we'll have natural reproduction at the end of the year!
Don't tell anyone, but McGregor said that Andrea said to Mira when asked not to mess up his room (he's so tight-assed about it for some reason...): "We're goint to be about each other, not the room." Sweet, huh!
Hey, isn't it weird that this Mizuki from the Horizon was allowed to take part in the new Prospector exploration? They never allow people from outside their ring to do that I heard.
I saw Tagato with The Electrocuted today. It's no wonder he likes their company, being such  a daredevil himself.
What's Sebastian going to do about this whole Corteza business?
What was Ben steaming about the other day? Was there something wrong with that conveyer belt he was fixing?
I was at the Dawn Party yesterday, and guess what? Not a moment of peace to sit back and enjoy the illustrations. Ben was constantly shouting at somebody, over everybody else's voices...
Why isn't The Watch doing anything to stop Corteza?
What do you mean? They're training for the next exploration, of course. It's not only the scientists who use the simulators, as much as we'd like to.
Corteza's research can't be safe. The Scholars should do something.
I hear Zeven asked about one of those cybernetic limbs from Servants of Evolution. I've heard they're designed to make their owner lose more body parts so the Servants get to build a fully functioning cyborg in the end.