30. Tranquility
31. Fragility
32. Dreams of Transcience
33. Decline in Human Resources
34. Acts of Uncertainty
35. Categories of Injury
36. Solution
37. Offensive Statement
38. With Great Effort
I don't get why people buy that "rogue chimbot" thing so easily! Who actually saw those things? A couple of Horizon outlooks and some of their friends, that's who. Why are they lying to us?
It was a true miracle that we were able to analyze the program flows in response to the different codes we tried. Otherwise it'd have taken, like, centuries to crack the standby lock of the AINNs - Laudatur's Paradigm or not.
They're taking all the credit for this!
Did you hear? Xanders *shot* Corteza! And there wasn't even any
What was Sebastian doing down there in the quarantine zone? I saw him walking out of there after the power came back.
Not everyone came out of the floatbeds alive even after they were "fixed". Seems certain individuals and rings didn't enjoy the favor of the almighty TSR.
They were hoarding oxygen!
I wonder what Tagato and Mike were up to... I saw them coming out of the guarantine zone when no one was supposed to be there!
Corteza is alive?
I wonder what Andrea was up to...
Have you seen any of the pieces of the big spherical machine the Chimbots built? I hear The Horizon and their friends have hidden them somewhere.
I don't believe this crap about TSR deliberately killing people in their floatbeds. I mean, if that was the case, why did they bring Mira to help them, all the way from Labspace?
Many lives would have been spared if the Fire Brigade had provided The Horizon with the helicopter when asked.
This is what happened: Someone was fixing the flow-regulation software in the Tubelift Central in a hurry, and didn't take the time to perform regression testing. When she restarted the system, it caused an exception, which due to faulty program logic propagated all the way to TAU's core functionality. Somehow this caused TAU to go into this "secure state", which not only put the entire system on standby but also gave a few Chimbots autonomy. Too bad those were the Chimbots TSR had been messing around with, so they went haywire somehow and I guess they tried to kill us all. And built that big thing in Canyon C.
Then, while TSR tried to keep everything together, with the poison gas and all, the Scholars figured much of this out and finally managed to restart the system. Meanwhile The Horizon tried to disable the Chimbots and they killed like tens of them before they succeeded. Of course, it was all in vain, since the bots would have gone back under TAU's control anyways.
What was that deaf guy, Riki, trying to tell us all that time in Labspace?
This is what happened: TSR had been messing up with TAU a little too much, and managed to accidentally put it into a passcode-locked standby state. They tried to cover this up by telling people it was a failure propagated from the flow-regulation systems. Of course, instead of fixing this as soon as they could, they took advantage of the power the situation gave them: for instance, they took manual control over the floatbeds in order to decide who gets to come out of them alive.
The Scholars would have found this out but Xanders ordered them away from the AI Core, on some fool's errand. Meanwhile, the Lurkers took control of some of the now idle Chimbots, and started to kill people and build a huge machine of some kind into the Canyon. I was there when The Horizon sent their first two teams to scout them - the second never returned. Then they asked for volunteers to help jam the Chimbots with some kind of device. I would have volunteered, but I had no experience on that kind of missions, so I thought it better to let those better equipped do it. Miko was there too, spreading some lies about "Rogue Chimbots" - no doubt to cover for the Lurkers.
Anyways, lots of the volunteers died, but with their help, some other group managed to destroy the big spherical machine, as well as the factory they used to build it, with some kind of an explosive. Not long after that, the power came back, and, curiously, Sebastian returned soon after. If you ask me, it was Sebastian who fixed TAU - it's just his kind of feat. With the help of Mizuki and his bodyguards.
Anyways, that's how I see it.
I so despise Zesiro. Even in the situation yesterday, he would do nothing but keep critisizing The Horizon!
We really need to do something about those gaping holes all around the Canyon. Who was the hole head who thought maintaining overpressure would be enough...
I have a bad feeling about all this...
Were you with Corteza in Ringlab A? I don't think I saw you there. She must really have pissed Xanders up by asking all of those questions...
The TSR have lethal weapons! Granted, they're designed against Chimbots but...
That Ishi, she's such an annoying person. Always poking her nose in matters that don't concern her with one of her holier-than-thou speeches.
That's Tagato! He's the one who survived a confrontation with those rogue Chimbots!
Did you know that even Tagato's part of the "Happy Horizon" flock these days? Pity. He, I thought, if anyone, would be able to resist empty popularism...
From what I overheard from the firefighters, they seem to have something against Andrea. Something about making a difficult enough situation even harder.