(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Curiously, I was reminded of the existence of Miss Piggy as well when reading your quote...


(42 replies, posted in Games Discussion)

We decided to have a little talk with the new test subjects before the game on Tuesday, so the actual game will be starting at 17:30 CEST, instead of 17:00 CEST.

We're more likely to be able to start in time than before, because we're using school computers for most the new test subjects, and won't start installing Java to anyone this time.


(27 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

29. Complexities of Enlightenment

There was this horrible accident in the Steambaths! The machines that are being cooled by the Steambaths overheated and the whole bath was *boiling*! Luckily Xanders and the Firemen got there in time before more people died! Five didn't make it, though, and a whole 15 people were burned up bad...
The Fire Brigade with some engineers from various rings are investigating the accident. I wonder what they'll find out... So far it seems it was nothing but a malfunction in the machinery.
Six people were found dead and four wounded in the Canyon ledge near the Recspace entrance! They had been shot in the head, all of them!
Sinuhe and Andrea are fighting over Mira of The Scholars now. I hear they had a real loud exchange outside McGregor's appartment today. What's the deal with these people? Can't they see how irrelevant such things are?
Did you know Mike has converted to The One Faith? They had his ceremony this very morning.
Theodore of The Horizon has really been on the edge lately...
What are the TSR up to *now*?


(6 replies, posted in Lore)


A hub is a circular room. It is quite small. It’s really just a hub, as the name says, that a lot of corridors emerge into. Most hubs have a pillar in the middle that houses Plasma Conduits that transfer energy to the systems above, using superheated plasma as a means of transfer. The hubs are about 8 meters right across (diameter). The pillar in the middle is about 3 meters across (diameter). Along the outer wall there will be several corridor openings (with Pathfinders above them). Most hubs have at least 4 of these.
Just a few hubs have something else in the middle instead of a pillar. A large, spinning fan in a hole in the floor, for instance.

There are many hubs in all areas of the Tower, apart from the Canyon, which has but one or two (not counting the Maze, which has many of them, and they explain the name, but people don’t generally go in there). Recspace is best known for them, though, and one will encounter them most there, just getting from one room to the next.

Here too, most everything is made of metals.


(6 replies, posted in Lore)


A Lockerhall is a more or less square-shaped room. It consists of 2 levels. There is the ground level (a flat floor) and the upper level (a bridge that runs square across the room). The room is about 20 by 20 meters long and wide. It’s about 15 meters high. The walls are lined with rectangular lockers that are slightly wider than the average person, but not quite as high as a person, and about 2 arms-lengths deep. There are also some bigger, and some smaller, storage spaces along the walls. Some of the lockers have locks, but not all of them. Many people have taken the habit of making a personal locker out of one of the empty ones by simply placing a lock on it.

Ground level has 2 openings into corridors. Both corridors lead out to hubs, more corridors, or a floatbed chamber. Right outside the Lockerhall, the corridor branches off straight to the side (along the wall of the Lockerhall, really, only outside of it) and leads upwards at an angle (on both corridors). If you follow it up, you will reach the bridge that makes up the second level of the Lockerhall. If the ground-floor openings are located North and South (so to speak. They are located opposite eachother), then the bridge runs across the room from East to West. The bridge is about 2 meters wide. There are also several larger and smaller loose storage crates scattered across the Lockerhall floor.

Most everything is made of metal.

There are two Lockerhalls. Lockerhall Alpha has but one corridor leading to it (although it still has 2 ground floor corridor openings, the second one leads only straight upwards to the side, to the bridge), while Lockerhall Beta has two.

Starting at 13:30 CEST, since I just found out a student restaurant is open afterall.


(27 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

28. The Tailoring of Turncoats

I don't really like those Da Vincians? I mean, they're always like they're better than everyone else just because they were the first ring of second generation colonists.
Well, I kind of like that Wacko guy, though. Relaxed fellow, not too many worries.

Not too many worries indeed... I heard he once ventured into the floatbed shafts to fix something - without bothering to ask TSR to halt the floatbed traffic! Almost got himself splattered againt the wall!
I think McGregor is great. He might be a little strange at times, but at least he doesn't let his ring get messed up in politics like the rest of them.
Wait. Was that Andrea entering McGregors appartment with Ami following?
I heard the Lurkers attacked someone again! This time at the Shaft!
Did you hear the Lurkers have started killing again? They killed Iwo, of the Stalwart. You can ask Zeven, Ishi, or Andrea, they say it was them who found him.
There's this strange device in the AI Core near the Silo. I wonder what it does...
The Chimbots are really kind of cute, don't you think?
I heard McGregor has three modules worth of this... lore of his.
Look at that Mara! What vanity!
The Tubelift Central sure is empty these days. I guess all the machines are so beyond repair nobody bothers... yesterday, when I passed by, I saw only four people altogether.
Sinuhe really should stick to his mathematics...


(27 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

27. It's All About Hormones

Have you seen Andrea lately? He seems quite harried. I told you that project was too much for him to handle.
What is with that Huo and Ishi from the Horizon? Meeting up in hidden corners and private spots all over the Tower?
What's with the hands of Mizuki? They seem like they were burned or something, but she's a researcher, right? Maybe some accident or something?
What is with that Jaana girl? It's not like her project was anything but a freak idea... But she's complaining about it like it's the end of the world. Finding the TAU Master Processes. Like we didn't have enough trouble with our own processes.
I wonder if they still haven't figured out where the Lurkers got all those Stimulants and Inhibitors... That's how they survived after we started watching the floatbeds.
I think I saw McGregor cry the other day.
What's with that Riki guy? He just runs around the Labspace and never listens to anybody.
I think Kamala's doing fine as the new Fire Chief. We had this gas fire the other day but she put it down like it was nothing. Poor Calacai, though...


(6 replies, posted in Lore)

A floatbed chamber (there are two identical ones, named Floatbedchamber Alpha, and Beta)

The floatbed columns of Floatbed Chamber A are connected all the way down to the Speedgrowth Chambers while those in Floatbed Chamber B are a part of a separate, smaller system.
Circular room, but it only makes half a circle. Along the outer wall is a sort of broad corridor, into which the floatbed access doors open. There are six such doors in the inner wall, each corresponding to a floatbed column. Floatbeds are stacked like columns, and transported to the floatbed chambers when someone needs to get in or out. (See here for a floatbed: http://polygonpoop.dk/2007/05/seed-inte … ntent.html . Then imagine countless of those stacked along a pillar, in columns, pointing outwards so to speak, transported along something like a rails, a piece of which you can see in that picture too).

When you step out of a floatbed, out of the door, into the floatbed chamber, you will find yourself standing in the broad corridor that runs in half a circle, at the inner wall of it. Opposite you is the outer wall, which is slightly longer than the inner wall, of course. In the outer wall are 3 corridor openings into the rest of Recspace. They lead to hubs that will lead to locker halls, the other floatbed chamber, more hubs, a radlock to the Canyon, and the Garden (with another radlock to the Canyon right next to it). The 3 openings are located at the start and end of the half-circle corridor, and one just about right in the middle. Pathfinders are located above each corridor leading out, stating one or more of the other things that corridor leads to, although all of Recspace is more or less connected in more than one way, and there are usually at least two routes to any location (apart from Lockerhall Alpha, which has only one corridor leading to it). The Pathfinders work through your necklink, the locations are not actually written on the sign as such.

Most everything is made of various metals.

The length of the chamber, measured along the outer wall, is approximately 80 meters.

The floatbeds themselves are filled with a liquid. Seedlings sleep in them, are healed in them, TAU maintains their health and body in them.


(16 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

Right to Health Project

Contact Person: Khitasang - The Common Good
Location: mostly in Ringlab B
Time: Being planned

No matter how good a research project they may make for some people in this Tower, the way people come out of Floatbed Column 6 - all mangled, not even alive, close to death, or barely able to function and forced to be nothing but a burden on others - is just wrong. If we can find out what exactly goes wrong in this floatbed column, and fix it, we would be removing a killing machine, and making sure no one else comes out that can’t keep up with the rest of us and this hostile environment. Inevitably new people will be hatched, but at least they will be able to contribute to making our situation better, if they come out healthy like the rest of us.

This is a difficult project, since we need access to the Speedgrowth Chamber in the Lower Cluster, but we must not let this obstacle stop us. It's our duty to those yet to be hatched, to go there, despite the risk.


(6 replies, posted in Lore)

In this thread Norah describes the different rooms and places in meticulous detail.

First, something about walls and hatches and such:

There are no neatly positioned repairable rows of identical hatches. The repairable machinery can be in various shapes, sizes and positions, not all of them right next to corridors and rooms (so you have to crawl through access tunnels to get to them if you can get to them at all). There are, however, openable wall panels (and floor and ceiling panels) all over the rooms and corridors, as well as machines. Sometimes the machinery is right behind them, while at other times you crawl through them into access tunnels.


(42 replies, posted in Games Discussion)

Okay, the test was okay, though we didn't manage to get as many people as we'd have liked. Anyway, we played through one very exciting and even game (Gestapo won). Thanks to all those who showed up!

On Tuesday 11.9. at 17:30 CEST, we'll be holding an "official" test, with the friends of the rest of the game making team present (and more stable than the ones Jukka invited on a very short notice yesterday). You're all welcome as well, in order to make the game as big as possible. Please put a note here if you're interested.


(42 replies, posted in Games Discussion)

For those who don't know the game rules, here is a version.

Saturday it is, then.


(42 replies, posted in Games Discussion)

OK, will add Mehken to the list of maybies.


(42 replies, posted in Games Discussion)

Would those interested in joining us on Thursday please write a little message here again, so I know how many to expect?


(57 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

Edited some more details into the ring descriptions (organizational structures, forming dates etc). The attitude on multiring membership will probably be removed due to negative feedback on the idea.


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Well, actually I did mean something like what Dustman posted. Planescape Torment is popular enough so that someone would be likely to recognize the character. I'd just rather have it so that having to give a hint is an exception, not a rule.


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

That's why it would be a change.:) (I think this game should be more about recognition and less about sporting your obscureness and google fu.)


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Maybe something you can actually know, for a change, without resorting to internet research? smile

Due to several other things fighting for my time next Sunday, we can't play at the date. Saturday, usual time?


(42 replies, posted in Games Discussion)

Well... since fate is conspiring against us (there's a freshman event that'll practically tie up anyone from my school friends from attending), I'll move this yet again, to Thursday, 18:00 CEST.


(42 replies, posted in Games Discussion)

Another testing session on Wednesday 5.9. at 18:00 CEST. Everyone welcome! I think we'll be able to play a full-scale game this time, provided we get a lot of players!


(0 replies, posted in Ring Information)

Name: The Stalwart
Formed: 15.1.103
Organization: Hierarchical
Leadership: One leader (elected)
Status: Active

Eeb - leader (dead)
Sham - handler
Galuba - handler
Iwo (dead)

2, Design
    a, Cleaning
        Leader: Tino
        Size: 500 man hours
        Leader Skills:
            Safety Engineering 2
        Worker Skills:
        Number of workers: 2-3
        Tools needed:
            Envy suits (2)
            Simulator (100 hours)
        Resources needed: none?
    b, Life-support
        Leader: Tagato
        Size: 500 man hours
        Leader Skills:
            Safety Engineering 1
            Power 2
        Worker Skills:
            Structural 2
        Number of workers: 2-3
        Tools needed:
            Simulator (100 hours)
        Resources needed: none?
    c, Corridor
        Leader: Wacko
        Size: 500 man hours
        Leader Skills:
            Safety Engineering 1
        Worker Skills:
            Structural 2
            Power 2
        Number of workers: 2-3
        Tools needed:
            Envy suit (2)
            Simulator (100 hours)
        Resources needed: none?
    d, Training software
        Leader: Mike
        Size: 500 man hours
        Leader Skills:
            Software 4
        Worker Skills:
            Software 2
            Hardware 2
        Number of workers: 2-3
        Tools needed:
            Simulator (100 hours)
        Resources needed: none?