26. Stress Testing (2.9. - 13.9.104)
...pssstt... did you heard, that maniac "father" of that insane girl is just ordering around the handlers of the big rings... yeah, you bet, he's also ringless
He's never going to get that project off ground with an attitude like that. Not that it's anything but a waste of resources anyway.
Did you hear what kind of ancient software is that Mike planning to use in the care center? Maybe he's a bit mentally limited himself...
I saw Tagato at the door of the gym today, wonder who he searched for. He should learn to use his necklink for a change.
That Asian chick is kinda' creepy, you know the one called Mizuki? She's always slinking around labspace with her RCI, never talking to anyone, never looking at anyone, always working, always clad in black. I bet she's a coldhearted bitch.
You know about Marco? Saying the Revolution tried to make him make false statements about the Sebastian recording? Well, -we- think he's just saying that to cover up because he was embarrassed about what actually caused him to have that heartattack. It was in McGregor's appartment you know, everyone knows -those -sessions are held there. And it was that Ishi and Huo from the Horizon that found him, half naked and tied up...
Did you hear they created a vaccine for the fungus/algae/whatever thing down in The Shaft. Tam, the guy who got infected by it during the cleanup operation, seems fine, but he doesn't want to talk about any of it. Know what I think? I think he was used as a guinea pig!
I think I saw Miko of TSR yesterday. She was hanging in a harness on the inside of The Silo, wearing a stange set of glasses and wawing around some kind of a pen-size sensor. They had stopped the storage elevator just because of that.
The Lurkers have been pretty quiet lately. Maybe they really do just want to be left in peace.
What's Sebastian going to do about the Lurkers? It's been more than a month since he got the job - I'd expect results by now! The only things I hear is his thugs interrogating random, innocent people!
Didn't they already interrogate The French Clique? Twice! I think The Horizon isn't telling us everything... Who's interrogating them?
I got interrogated on orders from Sebastian today, by some people of The Electrocuted. No bit deal, really - I've got nothing to hide. At least Sebastian's ring is doing something about it all.