So what do you do in this setting? To answer the question I asked in the Golden City thread, here's the things you should be able to do without GM interference. I might be going a little deep into details here, but the point is to clarify what style of gameplay I was thinking about.
All of these things are meant to be done in a slow pace while roleplaying. Many of them would probably have longish waiting periods like repairing in Seed, to give the player a chance to chat in peace. However, they should also be made complex enough to make play interesting.
1) Get food to yourself and your family. It should be made important that you get enough food, because getting your basic living is one important challenge in a settlers life. Food could be gained at least in the following ways:
1a) Hunting. Not your generic wilderness grind but one where stealth and preciceness are key. It should be relatively easy to make most animals run instead of fighting when attacked, making it important to sneak or plan your hunt (such as chasing the animal toward another group of hunters). Of course, some animals, like bears would have to be fought, but these would be special, great hunts.
1b) Fishing. What a better way to learn to know your clanmate than to spend a day in a boat together, waiting for fish to catch? (Must check out how the Vikings actually fished.)
1c) Foraging. The woods are full of food for those who know what to look for. Leaves, roots, sweet berries just wait to be picked and eaten. The availability of berries could depend on the season, to make it necessary to plan for the winter.
1d) Farming. At some point of the game you might start growing crops in fields. Any ideas how this would work?
2) Crafting. We'll definately need to get our hands on some sort of a crafting system. The PCs will have to build everything from scratch (apart from what they brought with them). This is so that there is no You'd craft at least the following:
2a) Buildings. Not quite sure how to implement this, though it would start by cutting trees. Then maybe carry them all to the site and do some "house building work" or something. The creation of the actual house would probably have to be done by a GM.
2b) Food. You'd have to prepare the food before eating it.
2c) Clothes. Mostly out of furs.
2d) Weapons. Mostly spears etc, unless an iron supply is found.
2e) Tools to create all of the above.
3) Explore the surroundings. The woodlands should be made interesting in some ways, so it's not only "another tract of forest". Maybe by adding better hunting/fishing/foraging spots, holy locations (like erratic boulders etc). And of course as many special locations as the creators can come up with, such as native camps.
4) Maybe warfare against natives or other Norse groups if it comes to that. But fights should not be daily grind affairs.
This would only be the everyday life, of course. GM controlled stories could include pretty high-flying mythological stuff too.