UPDATE 13/08/2018: We're on Discord now (sign of the times), and currently not using our IRC server. Instead, join us at https://discordapp.com/invite/BTevEU
A couple weeks ago, I prepared this little text for the future IRC help page of our future website. I just figured that I might as well put it here now. This is a work in progress and will be edited as needed.
Server information
host: irc.seedthecommunity.org
port: 6667
Chatzilla howto
get Chatzilla
1. Launch Chatzilla.
2. Type '/server irc.seedthecommunity.org' in the dialogue box.
3. Type '/nick <nickname>' to set your nickname if so wished.
4. Type '/join #seed' in the dialogue box or click on thr 'IRC' menu, select 'Join channel', highlight #seed and click 'Join'.
WebIRC howto + applet
Registering your nickname
To register your nickname:
/msg nickserv register <password>
This enables you to register your nickname on the server with a password so only you can use it. Replace <password> with your password
. Passwords *ARE* case sensitive.
To identify yourself later:
/msg nickserv identify <password>
This in mainly used to identify yourself on the server, and give you the op rights if needed.
Killing a ghost to recover your nickname
If you suddenly get disconnected from your isp or the irc server, sometimes a ghosted client will be left behind. This command can be used to kill the ghosted client so you can get your nickname back:
/msg nickserv ghost <nickname> [password]
Getting OP status
Always identify yourself with NickServer before joining a channel. That way, if you have the op rights on a channel, you will automatically opped when joining this channel.
If you forgot to identify your nickname before joining a channel, you can still ask to be opped, by issuing the op command in a private message to ChanServ. For example:
/msg chanserv op #seed will give you the op rights on #seed.
The different stats ;-)
http://irc.seedthecommunity.org/log/pisg/seed.html <- Misc stats
tal/words/ <- Chimbot's Live Stats (don't click on Misc Stats or you will kill Chimbot! Please! ;-)
http://irc.seedthecommunity.org/idlerpg/?node=players <- #idlerpg stats & game documentation
http://irc.seedthecommunity.org/idlerpg2/players.php <- #idlerpg2 stats & game documentation
http://irc.seedthecommunity.org/seedlerpg/?node=players <- #seedlerpg stats & game documentation
http://irc.seedthecommunity.org/log/ Logs of the channels