I for one don't like that whole 'I died but I got better' gameplay that more or less all MMOG's have. Hm.. Have I written this before in this thread? Possibly
There is a big dimension that gets lost, if you RP that you can die 10 times a day with nothing to show for it. At least for me. Therefore I've been quite pleased with how we've RP'ed this so far, which has been as I outlined previously.
Since you can still speak when downed, there is nothing stopping us from RP'ing that we a re lying on the ground, conscious, mortally wounded, feeling our life ebbing away. The timer could then be used to see how many minutes you had until you died (though you don't). The healing spells people have do just that - heal, not resurrect those who have kissed Atys. If there is no one around to heal you, and you feel you will die within minutes, you can chose to pray to the Kami or Karavan, and if they have camps nearby, they will react to that prayer for help by teleporting you to that camp and healing you, just before death.
That seems better on the 'suspension of disbelief' thing. This ties in well enough with the seemingly official Seed theory, in that you can say the Kami and Karavan somehow can detect this prayer through the Seed and take you from there.
It also seems this Seed theory is used to explain how the guilds can talk to eachother IC, instant telepathic contact. Well, as with resurrection this all seems a bit too convenient and 'ad hoc' for my taste, but we do have such a system in place that utilizes this Seed theory, just not as efficient as others perhaps RP it to be. All in all, I think we're doing well of course 
And I guess that's what I wanted to say, or invite people to discuss.