Topic: Minutes of the Ringleader Meetings (outdated!)
Ringleader Meeting I
0:13 - 08:34
Ringleaders present: Eleanora of The Council of Elders, Mi of The Association of Free Colonists, Ashban of The Collective, Hama of The Children of Dawn, Cassia of the Dreamers of Gaia, Samaritus of The Da Vinci Collaboration, Dash of The Initiative, Tyler of New Human Condition, Agama of Da Vincians, Chuang of The Outfitters, Rana of Floatbed Maintenance Crew, Tiki of Repair and Restoration Ring, Gosha of Central Matrix Compilers and Yuri of The Technocrats.
[i]Chair: Reneb of The Da Vinci Collaboration
Topics of Discussion
1. Establishing a regular meeting
It was generally agreed that communication between different rings is paramount to the success of the mission we all share. Thus, the ringleaders present decided to make the Ringleader Meeting a regular, monthly event. The time of the meetings is the third of each month, and the meeting begins at 0:00.
2. Establishing the authority of the meetings
There was a lot of discussion on whether the Ringleader Meetings should be purely advisory or whether it should hold some kind of authority over the individual rings. Samaritus of The Da Vinci Collaboration, as well as Dash of The Initiative, strongly supported giving the meeting a legal power that would bind the individual rings to its decicions. Different voting methods were also discussed. However, in the end, the idea didn't gain much support from the other ringleaders. After all, as Rana of Floatbed Maintenance Crew pointed out, there is no efficient way to control those not complying to the rulings. Fines of AP were suggested, but since TAU Surveillance Ring didn't send a representative to the meeting, nor was available to comment, that line of thought was not taken further.
3. Establishing the form of the meetings
It was decided that the meetings will be mainly between ringleaders or their representatives. A limited number of audience questions will be accepted after the ringleaders have finished discussing each topic. Every ringleader was given equal opportunity to speak.
Before the meetings, the Chair will gather the topics of discussion and publish them so the participants can prepare their statements. No extra points of discussion will be accepted barring special circumstances. The Chair will also write detailed minutes into this thread after the meeting. Reneb of The Da Vinci Collaboration volunteered to the task of the Chair.
4. Spare part production
Rana of Floatbed Maintenance Crew stated that the setups of factories CAN-CAA-0003 and CAN-CAA-0005 hinder the production of spare parts for microscale power systems. Agama of Da Vincians said, however, that the factories are needed to produce additional Atomic Storage Units and Quantum Processors to improve the performance of the scientific computing network in Labspace. No conclusion was reached in this matter.
5. Improving communication methods
It was unanimously agreed that the communication methods at the colonists' disposal are far from being efficient enough. TAU has provided us with only rudimentary necklink communication abilities, far from being flexible enough for our needs. Instead of focusing on parallel low-technology communications we've been using thus far, Cassia of Dreamers of Gaia suggested that we learn to take usage of TAU's own protocols to create our customized system. Dispite some considerable scepticism, TAU Basecode Project, led by Cassia of Dreamers of Gaia, was started.