Topic: SeedTheCommunity Website

As I was threatening to publish the website even if it's not totally finished, I surrended.

So here is the website, half up still. You'll have to register first and then ask if you want to be able to publish article. I think that most of the article will be readable by guests, but that's up to the autor ^^
Norah will be our article manager, she will be able to edit, publish, unpublish any article and create some new category.

If you see any problems or things to change with the design, ask Ahnion.
If you are a Joomla expert, I need you :'(

The website will become our main page when it will be filled a little and "bug free". There are link on both our forum and website to go from one to other.


Re: SeedTheCommunity Website

not exactly a joomla experct but I do have experince with CMS from other communities.

I think the site looks good! Its great to be able to expand the community a bit and talk more about roleplay games etc smile

Re: SeedTheCommunity Website

First of all, Nuala, great work.

Second, there are obviously issues with the template, some of which have probably arisen from Joomla! version upgrades and such, other that stem from lack of communication (and the fault there is likely mine.) If I could have site access and such, I could iron those out... as well as help with setting further sections up. smile

I'm ambivalent towards the newsflash box. It seems a bit superfluous when the news are already posted in the box beneath it, no?

Anyway, I'm going to be back on IRC from tonight on, and I'd love to discuss the further development. I've had some hardware issues (new memory that didn't behave) but I think I've fixed them. smile

It's all right, now - let's make it awesome. wink

Re: SeedTheCommunity Website

What Ahnion said smile And good work Nuala! See.. Threats DO work wink

Re: SeedTheCommunity Website

I gived you the superadministrator right Ahnion, and those who threatened me will be ban :demon: