Topic: Details: The Securing Life Support Project

((The following is an unfinished version))


The problem:
The structures on Labspace are under far more stress than they're designed for, due to a shift of balance caused by the big rock hitting the Tower. The added stress has concentrated especially around Ringlab Beta, and many of its vital systems are located in dangerous spots. A particularly powerful towerquake might collapse many of those structures, rendering Ringlab Beta underpowered and possibly causing a life-support failure. The damages would, due to stronger overall structures, probably be limited to Ringlab Beta and possibly other areas in Labspace.

Solution 1: Strengthen the structures in Ringlab Beta
Required Tasks:

1. Design and simulate.
You need to do complex strength calculations in a simulator environment. You also need to do design the process of moving from the current situation to the enhanced one in such a way that the structures are never weakened too much.
Size: 1500 man hours
Leader skills:
- Tower Engineering 3
- Statistics 1 to help optimize the simulated tests
Worker skills:
- Structural Engineering 3 to help with the simulations
Number of workers: 3
Tools needed:
- Simulator (500 hours)
Resources needed: none

2. Do the work on the structures x5
You need to work very carefully on this, using the correct practices to make sure the stress levels never get too high. Otherwise you might face a collapse.
Size: 3000 man hours
Leader skills:
- Tower Engineering 3
- Safety Engineering 3
Worker skills:
- Structural Engineering 5
Number of workers: 10 - 20
Tools needed: Power Jacks (for everyone)
Resources needed: spare parts

3. Do the work on the power and life support systems x3
You need to reorganize some of the power and life-support systems to fit with the new structural designs.
Size: 1500 man hours
Leader skills:
- Plasma Conduits 1 to make simple modifications to the main energy conduits
- Superconductors 1
- Safety Engineering 2
Worker skills:
- Power 3
- Structural Engineering 2
Number of workers: 10 - 20
Tools needed: own tools
Resources needed: spare parts

Re: Details: The Securing Life Support Project

Current Situation

On August 17th 104 the project has the following people, tools and resources:

Sinuhe: Statistics 4

28 workers: all have Structural Engineering 3; 9 have Structural Engineering 5
(11 of the workers come from Tower Engineering Society, the rest from various smaller rings)

500 hours of Simulator time to use at any time you choose

4 Power Jacks provided by Tower Engineering Society

1/4 of the needed spare parts from The Association of Scholars
1/4 of the needed spare parts from various donators

Re: Details: The Securing Life Support Project

Assignments for task 1: Design and simulate

Leader: Polina (Tower Engineering society) - all required skills
Workers: Polina + 2 workers with Structural engineering 3
Tools: 500 hours of simulator time.