(15 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

Hi, all.

There's still space for one or two players in this campaign, so if you want to participate, please leave a message after this and contact me on IRC (server irc.mkc.fr, channel #seed). We usually play on Fridays at 18:30 GMT, though we sometimes move it to Sunday at 17:00 GMT.

Didn't I already reply to this?

Anyways, I guess we could squeeze you in, Feelix, provided we can come up with a compatible character concept. And if you're interested in a purely text-based, non-massively multiplayer (7 players) IRC roleplaying campaign, that doesn't try to emulate the original Seed in all ways (I've, for instance, changed the layout of some locations, and all the original PCs have been scrapped).

If you're interested, please appear in IRC (server irc.mkc.fr, channel #seed), and send me a query.

Ringleader Meeting XXX

Ringleader Meeting XXIX

Ringleader Meeting XXVIII

Ringleader Meeting XXVII

Ringleader Meeting XXVI

Ringleader Meeting XXV

Ringleader Meeting XXIV

Ringleader Meeting XXIII

Ringleader Meeting XXII

Ringleader Meeting XXI

Ringleader Meeting XX

Ringleader Meeting XIX
1:32 - 11:03
Ringleaders present: Eleanora of The Council of Elders, Mi of The Association of Free Colonists, Hin of The Collective, Hama of The Children of Dawn, Samaritus of The Da Vinci Collaboration, Dash of The Initiative, Chia Pao of The Servants of Evolution, Ra of Da Vinci Prospectors, Alexandra of The Association of Scholars, Amash of New Human Condition, Agama of Da Vincians, Rana of Floatbed Maintenance Crew, Tiki of Repair and Restoration Ring, Mar of Central Matrix Compilers and Yuri of The Technocrats

Topics of discussion

1. The safety of scientific research
The main topic of discussion was again the safety measures of scientific reseach, sparked three months ago by Tyler's actions. The discussion continued from the agreement at the previous meeting that an administrative body should be created to create and monitor a set of strict safety guidelines for scientific projects.

Mi or the Association of New Colonists suggested that this task be given to Mohale, a scientist in The Association of Scholars, who has studied advanced risk analysis techniques in complex, hard to predict circumstances. He, as well as the other twelve members of his ring, also enjoy a reputation of responsible research practices. No one else at record even closely matches his qualifications for the job, so there was no objection.

Mohale was honored to put his knowledge into service, provided he'd be given appropriate authority and resources. He demanded to choose his team himself, so he could be sure he can trust each and every one of them. He also said he'd need a way to prevent people from doing things behind his back - he wasn't happy with mere assurances by all the ringleaders that their people would comply.

To solve the latter issue, Chia Pao of The Servants of Evolution suggested that Mohale's team would be given exclusive access to the workstations in Labspace. They could then evaluate the safety practices of different projects and and simply deny access to those who fail to comply with their standards. There was heavy resistance to this idea, but with the support of Agama or New Human Condition and Tiki of Repair and Restoration Ring, as well as the fact that there was no better proposals, the suggestion was accepted.

Mohale promised to make this project his top priority and make an announcement as soon as the new safety standards are ready to be implemented.

Ringleader Meeting XVIII

Ringleader Meeting XVII

Ringleader Meeting XVI

Ringleader Meeting XV

Ringleader Meeting XIV

Ringleader Meeting XIII

Ringleader Meeting XII

Ringleader Meeting XI

Ringleader Meeting X

Ringleader Meeting IX

Ringleader Meeting VIII