Next Sunday will be normal.
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The Seed Roleplaying Community » Posts by Kryigerof
Next Sunday will be normal.
Sorry but this is somewhat busy time, so I can't just always sacrifice my studies for other stuff. The party meeting already takes some of my studying time away.
There won't be any STSC this weekend, due to a party meeting I'll be going to.
Hello. We'll be playing this Sunday. I'd like to have Relay and Mike from 12:00 CEST; Mizuki, Mike, and Tagato from 13:00 CEST; and everyone from 15:30 on.
In the Technocracy, no one needed to excersize for health reasons. Muscles and other relevant organs could be stimulated using medical technologies. Basically, you could develop an athletic body in the course of a few weeks.
Earlier in the history of mankind, when these technologies first were made widely available, the world became populated by muscular people, men in particular, everyone trying to look more impressive than the person next to them. Aesthetic ideals soon adjusted, however, and during the Technocracy most people simply went for a body that's healthy and practical with whatever they liked doing.
And some still liked excersize and sports: the feeling of moving by your own power and the exhausted extacy afterwards. Some of these people got themselves more potent bodies, capable of more speed or stamina. But the arena sporting the most tuned physiques was definately spectator sports.
There were still some naturalist sporting subcultures prohibiting any use of medical aids (which they called "doping"), but few bothered to watch them when the alternative was way more impressive. ((To be continued.))
In the tower, the floatbeds grant people with healthy bodies capable of the things most colonists need. However, they don't have the more potent drugs so some colonists still spend time improving their physique in various gyms.
Something on the message board.
Sara, The Watch
People have asked questions about why there's a portable airlock at the point where the tunnel forks to the construction site of the Newborn Care Center in Recspace. That's because the site is outside most of the sealable areas of Recspace. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, much care has been taken to preserve the life-support in Recspace in case of emergencies, such as a major hull breach. All of the main areas can be sealed at a moment's notice from the service tunnels. Many of the most important maintenance areas can be sealed as well. The Garden and the floatbed chambers, in particular, are separated from the outer hull by at least three sealable doors in every direction, making them the safest areas in the entire tower.
The site of the Newborn Care Center, however, is close to the hull, as well as the tower top, outside most of the precautionary measures put in place by The Watch. That's why particular care must be taken to ensure its security in case of an accident. It's understandable that during the construction phase certain risks must be taken. The portable airlock is there to protect the rest of Recspace in case the NCC's own protections fail. I'm worried, however, that even after the construction is complete, the newborns educated will be at higher risk than is necessary, especially compared to the multilayered protections of the current educational location, The Garden.
Okay, if someone considers Friday special in some way, such as it being a working day, and didn't mention it earlier, please do it now.
I guess it's on Friday, then. Let's have Mizuki, Norah, and Andrea on the first half, the rest and Norah at 16:00 CEST.
EDIT: I'm assuming normal starting time (13:00 CEST) here.
There's a LARP-related meeting on Sunday at 15:00 CEST to 18:00 CEST abouts. So I see several possibilities:
1) We don't play. This screws up at least one plot due to Mehken's schedules next week.
2) We play early on Sunday, probably at 9:00 CEST, and play shorter than usual (to about 14:00 CEST).
3) We play, say from 11:00 CEST on, and I'm away for about four hours in the middle.
4) We play on Saturday.
5) We play on Friday.
We can't play on Monday or Tuesday next week, because I'll be visiting my grandmother then.
EDIT: Added option 3.
Some voting results.
((This is a short summary of the various votes that the PCs have been involved with.))
Restoring Life Support Project vs The Tubelift Central Collective on the CCSDE machine: Restoring Life Support Project wins by 7 votes (Votes for RLS: Stayn 2, Andrea 2).
The Stargazers vs The Watch on one of the Garden workbenches: The Stargazers win by 7 votes (Votes to Stargazers: Mike 1, Relay 3, Tagato 6).
Hansila vs Tower Engineering Society on Hansila's sharepoint: Tower Engineering Society wins by 8 votes (Votes to Hansila: Mike 3, Andrea 3, Relay 4, Tagato 1).
Corteza gains great advantage, winning 70 % of the elections she was involved with (Votes to Corteza: Mike 3, Andrea 2). Many rings, including The Horizon, lose ground to her.
The Horizon keeps most of the factories needed for their production, except for a couple lost to Corteza (Votes to The Horizon: Mizuki 7, Ishi 7).
(Other votes: Stayn 5)
So, I think we'll have Relay, Andrea, Stayn, and Dustman at 13:00 CEST. Mizuki, Mike, and Ishi should be with us at 16:30 CEST, and I hope Andrea will stay for that as well, maybe Stayn too so we can get max introduction done. Hammond, if you're still with us, join the first group.
And Dustman, I don't think you told me your votes yet...
Oh yeah, I guess we'll be playing this week too.
And some more lore.
My Life as Martian
The colonization of Mars became long before the Technocracy. By the time the Technocracy was formed, the fourth planet had a stable population living in a terraformed world. The landscape was still considerably more arid and the temperature was far below terran standards - and the rusty red color was still present all around - but nevertheless, woods and fields and even seas surrounded the sparcely populated settlements. The atmosphere at sea level was about as thick as mountain air on Earth but it was fully breathable. The population total of Mars had stabilized around 150 Million.
Life on Mars was, especially at the polar areas, considerably harder and less prosperous than on Earth. The poor soil and cold weather caused agriculture to require a lot of machinery that had to be maintained. The planet, as well as the terraformed climate was still not completely understood, giving scientists lots of questions to solve. Even industry required more manual labor, since the automatization hadn't had the centuries to develop into a self-repairing, self-providing system. An average able-bodied adult on Earth did about 13 hours of work per week, while on Mars the same number was 29, and on the polar regions 49. Lots of goods were imported from Earth, of course, but space travel was still too costly to provide the masses on Mars with the same standards of living as the common Earthling.
Naturally, this made Mars very popular on Earth. The untamed frontiers inspired countless stories of heroic prospectors defying the forces of nature. Many travelled to Mars in search of adventure, challenge, or bragging rights. Upon realizing how unromantic a ten-hour work day could be, many quickly returned to Earth but others fell in love with the sense of purpose present in many of the Martian colonies - something difficult to find on Earth.
This was only one of the reasons why a somewhat separate culture developed on Mars. The other had to do with stellar cartography and the theory of relativity. The limitation of speed of light causes a delay of five to twenty minutes in all communications between the two planets. This didn't, of course, prevent a fully connected Internet, but everyday communications were seriously hampered. The delay was simply too much for the attention span of most, when idle chit-chat - the basis for the community spirit in most subcultures - was concerned. As a consequence, Earthlings and Martians, while still tightly connected, tended to form their own subcultures. This was less of an issue in professional matters such as scientific research.
The Technocracy governed both of the planets, of course. When votes concerning both populations were taken, people waited.
New Technocracy lore.
The Lamb and the Lion
During the era of the Technocracy, everybody loved nature. More specifically, some liked huge parks with trees, bushes and flowers arranged as representations of historical events. Others enjoyed walking through gardens with genetically engineered giant flowers in all colors of the rainbow. Many preferred house lawns cut short and tidy. Natural wonders in simulated environments were another story entirely. And, of course, some econostalgics liked to create natural parks to emulate real natural environments as closely as possible.
By the time of the Technocracy, there wasn't really any untouched natural environments left. The original rainforests had long been gone, the sea had been mined and colonized, and even Antarctica had three hotel chains with theme-loyal swimming pools. Later, new rainforests had been planted, seas cleansed out by various massive projects, and with decreased greenhouse effect, even the polar ice caps had started to recover. Human effect didn't go anywhere but it had shifted from abuse and destruction to simple meddling.
As previously mentioned, some groups aimed to create natural parks that emulated the untouched environments from earlier eras as precicely as possible. Other groups worked in opposite directions. It was a popular opinion that much of the phenomena still present in the natural world was barbaric and not part of a civilized new Earth. Combinations of genetic engineering and biochemistry were used to free animals from such barbaric urges as "carnivorism" or "aggressive dominant behaviour". Experimental parks were created, the most popular with tourists being the famed lions and lambs sharing a pasture in the Paradise Park 50 km from Jerusalem.
The timeline is readier than before.
Okay, about tomorrow's schedule:
I'd like to have Dustman, Relay, and tdb on from 13:00 CEST onwards (the normal time), as well as Wheri for character creation. The rest should join us three hours later, and I'd like Relay at least to stay on for a while after that if it's okay. However, I'd like to request everyone to open their clients at the starting time, assuming you're on your computer and wouldn't be wasting energy just for this. This is because I'd like to make some General comments about the vote.
So, I guess we're three newbs then. I figured I'd be playing Ensign Timotheus Viitanen, of the security department.
Wheri: Please come to IRC today if you can, to talk about your character some.
Atomic Storage Unit (ASU)
The atomic storage unit is the standard computer memory unit utilizing single atom energy states in storing data. They can store quite a bit of data. An atomic storage unit can manifest either as a standalone disc about 5x5cm or as an integrated component of a computer system. The standalone version can be read by various computer devices, including the RCI.
So, yes, there's game this Sunday. Anyone going to miss it? Wheri, are you joining in?
This timeline has been created by combining elements from my previous envisionings with elements from the original Seed datasets. It overrides any earlier historical lore in case of conflict.
The years are counted backwards and forwards from the moment the first colonists first
913 BA: The fifth Seed ship, Solidarity, begins its journey towards Beta Hyi.
702 BA: Solidarity arrives at its destination and begins the terraforming process by sending down the iceberg.
686 BA: The first tower is constructed in the crater left by the iceberg.
610 BA: The weather begins to get worse.
600 BA: TAU abandons the first tower and builds a new one in a canyon further to the south.
0 AA: The First Six
TAU estimates the probability of success for its plans to be below 50 % - unacceptable. New plans, more creative ones, are needed. TAU concludes its creativity matrix is too limited for the task. It decides to grow six humans to aid its planning processes. They begin their speedgrowth in the newly constructed speedgrowth chambers.
2 AA: Human Contribution
The first six begin their work, operating solely from their floatbeds by the means of a virtual reality interface. They have the representation of the entire tower at their disposal, as well as any data collected by TAU. TAU has the decicion power in all matters but relies heavily on the human minds for advice.
Together, the Legendary Six act as an efficient brainstorming unit, improving the odds of the colonization to 56 %.
11 AA: Out of Bed
Having decided they need more direct control of matters, the first six convince TAU to awaken them from their dream. For the purpose, TAU builds a habitat into a small space in the Middle Cluster, consisting of Floatbed Chamber A and Locker Hall Alpha, the latter equipped with analysis and research equipment. The Six also ask TAU to begin growing new batches of colonists, to aid them in their hands-on work. New colonists start to awaken six at a time.
23 AA: Tower Top Defence System
Construction of a tower-top defense system starts, mostly built by TAU but directed and occasionally aided by colonists. The purpose of the series of guns is to destroy any larger particles before they hit the tower, hurled by the occasional storms.
25 AA: Felman's Incarceration
TAU refuses to implement Felman's idea to bring the terraforming back by developing and releasing new greenhouse gases orders of magnitude more potent than methane or CO2. The population, who were mostly in favor of the plan, starts asking why it was again that TAU needed humans. TAU puts a stop on the project by locking Felman in his floatbed for an undefined period of time.
28 AA: The First Colonists Completed
The last of the 102 First Colonists emerge from the floatbeds. By this time, the colonists have found various ways to navigate the tower. They can't get into nearly all places and spend most of their time in their habitat. Their work is mostly analysis and research at this point, TAU being mostly capable of its own maintenance.
38 AA: Root Admin Lely
Lely gains root administrator rights to TAU. It's unclear whether they were granted by TAU or if she hacked it. Felman is immediately released, after spending 13 years in uninterrupted floatbed sleep. His project, however, had already been replaced by another one based on black algae.
43 AA: The Voting System
To help resolve several issues that had arised between the colonists and escalated during the long years, the ownership and voting system is put into place. Felman's idea is implemented by Lely, using her administration powers over TAU. Votes, at this point, is still rather rare, as the less than hundred people are mostly capable of resolving their issues between themselves. The voting system is mostly regarded well.
52 AA: The Dambuster
An incredibly huge flash flood thunders down through the canyon systems to ram the tower. Colony caught flatfooted. Turns out a black algae designed to raise overall temperatures through greenhouse effect unexpectedly climbed a huge gletcher to the east and managed to melt it. Yet another result of not coordinating terraforming efforts. Suddenly flashfloods become an annual event and warning systems have to be put into place.
74 AA: Lely's Death
Lely, the root admin and caretaker of TAU, dies a mysterious death. The sorrow, mixed with accusations of foul play, creates a rift between Felman and the rest of the remaining First Six. As the only one who's spent enough time studying TAU with Lely, Felman takes over her position as TAU's root admin.
75 AA: Felman's Disappearance
85 AA: The Tower Buster
In a storm-of-the-century, a huge rock slams into the tower top and tears it away. People, space and machinery lost. The massive top fragment is hurled a good distance across the frigid tundra above the canyons, and here it still lies waiting for recovery.
A huge plate ("The great plate") is rushed into place to seal the gaping hole leading directly into the tower core, where everything precious to the colony is stored. Many people die securing the site, and there is doubt as to how long the plate will stay in place.
The tower defense systems are gone as well, leaving the tower at the mercy of the environment. Replacements are begun during the following years, but the colonists never manage to fully restore the former capacity. Now and then wind-tossed rocks will slam into the tower hull ripping it open and letting microbes inside.
85 AA: The Second Generation
The Tower Buster left the tower seriously lacking in manpower. The violent, cold winds that suddenly razed through the unprotected Canyon killed tens of colonists and more followed during the damage-control. Combined with deaths and accidents that had been happening all throughout the near-century of life in the tower, the First Colonists were nothing but a shadow of what they had been - forty people or so, many of them traumatized beyond repair. Of the Legendary Six, only Sebastian remained.
Because of all this, the hatching of new colonists is began, first quickly, then slower to replace losses. Since there's now a lot of maintenance work to do, the population is stabilized at about 500 people. Unfortunately, as they realized, a population this big started to lead to serious factionalization.
88AA: Tyler's Mistake
Performing improvised experiments on human stem cells and native fungi, Tyler unleashes an epidemic of fast-paced skin cancer into the tower population. His purpose was to vaccinate a person in speedgrowth with an experimental mixture of human and native DNA. Two months after awakening, the subject died of a horrible skin cancer, which spread quickly into the tower population. The epidemic was finally contained but not without heavy casualties.
A democratic trial sentenced Tyler to blockers - a modification to his necklink keeping him from interfacing with TAU or most equipment. Some argued he should have been allowed to continue working: after all, he had contributed a lot to the colony effort prior to the incident and his loss would be felt by the scientific community. Tyler was the only one tried, even though many suspected he had help.
Tyler was found dead in the Shaft two years later. He was assumed to have committed suicide.
89 AA: The Association of Scholars
The Association of Scholars is formed to oversee the safety regulations of all laboratories and simulators. The group forms around Mohale, the best expert on such safety measures in the tower.
99 AA: The killing blow
Almost 15 years after the first big one, another large scale disaster strikes. A storm of unexpected magnitude causes a massive flashflood, which in turn hammers through the algae reservoir membrane and floods the fusion reactor below it, causing a brief shutdown and then a massive power spike spreading through the tower.
All systems take extensive damage, an unknown number of people are killed and contact between the two clusters are severed. TAU, already damaged by the tower buster incident, is shattered and fragmented. Contact is lost to both the processes in the speedgrowth chambers and the TAU Master Processes in the main core. The power spike even seriously damages the mirror database at the Middle Cluster, leaving only the backup, containing only the more crucial information.
Physical access had already been lost to many parts of the tower due to previous damages, such as the core blockage. Now, many of the remaining passages have been poisoned, radiation-polluted, or simply collapsed. The community is basically stuck in the Middle Cluster for the time being.
100 AA: Population Boom
Seemingly on its own, TAU begins breeding new colonists at a rapid pace. Due to lost access to the speedgrowth chambers, the matter cannot be investigated.
104 AA: The Second Chance
Mizuki, Mike, Ishi, Tagato, and Andrea are born on 10.5.104. Relay is born on 24.12.104. This year was also the year of the Blackout, when TAU was offline for almost a day, as well as increased Lurker activity.
The Seed Roleplaying Community » Posts by Kryigerof
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