(11 replies, posted in EVE Online)

Im slowly heading back to EVE myself smile
See you soon!


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Sandling wrote:

3. Voiced by Mitch Pileggi.

I honestly misread that as "Voiced by Miss Piggy" when I briefly scanned through this thread :mrgreen:

Would make for a corny experiency Im sure...


(0 replies, posted in EVE Online)

Hey all

After a few weeks of lurking and skill training Ill be joining you for real in EVE. Was wondering though, if anybody was interested in setting up some character relations in advance.

I also have an idea that would give you an excuse to have an alt character at the same station as where the Seeds are currently placing their headquarters. Dont know if anybody is interested in that, but it could open up for more RP possibilities.

Send me an email and Ill go into detail.



(9 replies, posted in Sava's Garden)

Very, very nice initiative Nuala - and the setting seems great! Id love to come - money is not an issue, but time is unfortunately. Ive got two weeks off in the middle of august this summer, othervise its work at the museum (I have to earn that wage so money is not an issue wink ).

Anyways - looking forward to hearing more on this. Lets hear some suggestions for when this could be!


Ah - and I notice it is not far from Montpellier. Visited that nice place with my family as a kid and managed to get myself both lost AND trapped inside a large shopping mall as those metal curtains they roll down to keep burglars out managed to keep me in... Ah - those sweet childhood memories :mrgreen:


(5 replies, posted in EVE Online)

After two weeks of lurking Ill be joining you shortly... Before that Id like to know if anyone is interesting in setting up some character relations in advance (my character is not yet fully written - but she is a Vherokian Trader.). I also have an idea that would involve possible alts - if anybody is interested in dedicating an alt to a story smile

I wont post more about it here - since there should at least be some surprise for those who choose not to take part. But please let me know if you are interested and Ill get in touch sometime after wednesday 20th.


(12 replies, posted in Steambaths)

:sifflote: Whistles a birthday tune for Mehken...

Darkhawk wrote:

As for SoR, as you might find out, more or less all good roleplayers are gone (actually more or less all roleplayers are gone ;S), but Mercellus from the Seeds is still there at least.

Mercellus will be leaving shortly as well. His story is more or less comming to some sort of conclusion - at least a nice point for me to leave him - and for him to leave the new kingdoms. But since my subscription is running until august 22nd, Ill hang around until then in the guise of my alts Dayee and Breggan smile

Dayee and Breggan has both had dealings with House Etchmarc in the past, so Im sure well get in touch some time Trevenni.


(13 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Thanks for taking the time to translate this Miho. Ive been talking briefly to the baker (the real baker, not the one posing in the shop wink ) - and I think he is willing to share some more recipies. So perhabs Ill have some more stuff for others to translate before too long smile


(13 replies, posted in Steambaths)

On request from Nuala... the receipies on some of the pastry found at the baker in Den Gamle By museum in Århus.

For now in danish only... translation pending...
(Yes I know they are not worth much for you in Danish only Nuala, but the language is oldfashioned and I dont have a dictionary covering all the specific baking terms... Ill translate them as soon as I find the time... Or perhabs someone else here are up for the challenge?)

Brune Peberkager, No. 1. (1837)
Fra: Kogebog for smaa Huusholdninger, … af A. M. Mangor, født Bang
7 Lod [108,5 gr.] Potaske sættes paa Ilden med et Glas Øl og koges, til den er opløst,
men med Forsigtighed, at den ikke koger over, og holdes varm paa lidt Gløder; 7 Pund
[3,5 kg.] Sirup sættes paa Ilden med ½ Pund [250 gr.] afklaret Smør, Kaneel,
Kardemomme, syltede og ituskaarne Pommerantsskaller og, om man vil, nogle skaarne
Mandler. Naar det er lige ved at koge, tages det af, hældes i et lidet Deigtrug og røres
med en stor Skee frem og tilbage, medens Potasken hældes igjennem en Sigte deri.
Naar det har afbruset, kommer man en Snaps Cognac deri og 7 Pund [3,5 kg.] Meel i
Haandfuldviis, medens en Anden hurtig rører, saa det bliver godt gjennemarbeidet
inden det er koldt, hvorfor det er bedst at tillave det paa et varmt Sted. Deigen maa
staae tildækket med Klæder nogle Dage, eller om man vil, flere Uger. Om Vinteren
sættes Deigtruget en Dagstid ved Varmen, førend Deigen tages ud, som skeer ved at
skære et Stykke ad Gangen deraf, hvilket æltes godt med Hænderne og udrulles af
Tykkelse som til Butterdeig, med saa knapt Meel, som muligt. Deigen skæres i
fiirkantede Stykker med et Sporejern, belægges med et Par flækkede Mandler og bages
ved god Varme til de blive løse fra Pladen. De maa være lidt bløde naar de udtages og
kunne gjemmes i ½ Aar, naar de staae tildækkede. Til Pebernødder æltes lidt mere Meel
i Deigen.

Boller (1893)
Fra: Ill. Kogebog for By og Land af Laura Adeler
Et Fjerdingspund Smør smeltes og røres med 20 Kvint hvidt Sukker og 3 hele Æg. Heri
kommes 1½ Pægel sød Mælk, 1 Pd. fint Hvedemel, ¼ Pd. Kartoffelmel, ¼ Pd. vadskede
Rosiner, 15 Kvint smaatskaaren Sukat, lidt Kardemomme og 1 Spiseskefuld Gjær. Det røres
godt og æltes derefter med Hænderne, indtil Deigen slipper og begynder at hæve sig,
hvorefter den hensættes, indtil den er hævet, og slaaes op som Julekage. Ovenpaa kan
lægges nogle lange Strimler af Sukat. Kagen smøres med Æggehvide og bages en Time ved
god Varme.
Til Krydderboller tilsættes lidt stødt Kanel og Citronskal.

Alliance-Tærte (1837)
Fra: Kogebog for smaa Huusholdninger, … af A. M. Mangor, født Bang
4 Lod [62 gr.] bittre og ¾ Pund [375 gr.] søde Mandler stødes fiint og røres med 1 Pund
[500 gr.] stødt, hvidt Sukker, 4 Æg, Citronskal, Kardemomme og Kanel. Formen
beklædes med en tynd udrullet Butterdeig, eller Deigen til 3 Species [i Den Gamle By
bruges mørdej af hensyn til bagetiden i moderne ovne], hvorpaa der lægges et Lag
Syltetøi og derpaa Mandeldeigen. Den pyntes med Sucat og Strøesukker og bages strax i
1 god Time med meest Varme forneden. Til 10 à 12 Personer.

Kartoflerne koges og pilles Dagen førend de skulle rives, hvilket maa skee med en let Haand, men for at sikre sig mod Klumper, kan man alene bruge det, der falder bag jernet. Til 1 Pund (500 g) saaledes revne Kartofler tages 10 Æggeblommer, som piskes godt med ½ Pund revet Sukker, 4 Lod (62 g) søde og ½ Lod (7,5 g) bittre, fiint stødte Mandler, Saft af 2 og reven skal af 1 Citron. Naar dette tilligemed Kartoflerne er rørt og slaaet i en Krukke til det slaar Bobler, røres de pidskede Hvider sagte deri. Kagen maa strax bages ved jævn Ild, især til den har hævet sig, senere ved mere, saa den kan blive færdig i lidt mere end 1 Time. Til 10 á 12 Personer.

Vanillekranse (1866)
Fra: Fortsættelse af Kogebog for små Husholdninger, ... af M. Mangor
500 gram mel
1 æg
375 smør
250 gram sukker
½ stang finthakket vanille
250 gram søde mandler
15 gram bitre, stødte mandler

Mel, æg, smør, sukker vanille og mandler æltes godt sammen, således at dejen slipper hænderne. Herefter dannes en tyk pølse, hvoraf der skæres små stykker, som trilles og lægges i små kranse med et temmeligt stort hul, således at de ikke løber sammen. Gnid lidt ekstra mel på fingrene under trilningen. For at få kransene stribede kan dejen trykkes gennem en sprutbakkelse-sprøjte og derefter lægges til kranse. De bages langsomt lysebrune. Af denne portion bliver der ca. 80 vanillekranse.


Omregningstabel for gammeldags mål og vægt
En kvint        = 4-5 gram
Et lod            = 15 ½ gram
Et pund         = ½ kg
En pægl         = 2 ½ dl
En potte         = 1 liter
En skæppe     = 17,39 liter


(15 replies, posted in EVE Online)

Well.... Ill be in touch once we hit summer holidays... that would be Juli. At least Ill try the free trial.

Esme wrote:

Hi all,

Is the reservation in a particular name, or should I just talk very loudly in English until someone identifies me in the bar? big_smile

What sort of time are people aiming to get there? I assume the meeting time is still 6pm local time?


Our reservation is on the upper floor - which isnt all that spacy. So just go up the stairs and look SEEDish... At 18.00 we might even be the only ones up there.

I expect to show up around 17.45 local time.


On another note I have saturday off, so if anyone is in town and want to do stuff Ill be available as guide :mrgreen: or whatever. Since some are arriving allready friday evening we could also work out something there.

I wont post my phone number here on forums, but if some of you visitors should be interested just PM or Email me and ill send it to you.

Im on it. It wont be a problem. Looking forward to seing you both.


(2 replies, posted in Steambaths)

From Beltane to Garage Sale... Modern paganism :mrgreen:

A cut from their calendar:

28 April: Beltane - Gather 1:00 PM, Ritual     2:00 PM
6 May     Energy Walk    
12 May     Open Circle    
19 May     Beach Cleanup    
2 June     Garage Sale

Agreed: this doesnt sound bad at all...

Really sorry to hear that Ahnion hmm

Talked to the café today - being only 12 we wont get the entire upper floor to ourselves, but apart from that no problems.

EDIT: Well I didnt exactly talk to the cafe, rather I talked to the people there, but anyways... wink

Thats great Ahnion!

13 and counting...

Frakel, HateTank, Darkhawk, Thosam, Miho, Quanto Solo, Mecha, Nuala+1, AnneVR, Esme+1, Ahnion

Great Esme!

Im counting 12 so far:

Frakel, HateTank, Darkhawk, Thosam, Miho, Quanto Solo, Mecha, Nuala+1, AnneVR, Esme+1

Remember deadline is this thursday. If we dont get 15 people its no big disaster I think... But Ill let you know what I can work out with the café.



(0 replies, posted in Roleplay)

... the young tryker takes a final look around the empty guildhall. A thorough look, as if to remember all the details of a place being left for good. A hint of sorrow, but also relief and excitement. Something has passed away, something new is about to begin. With a shrug he packs his last few items in the bag and hurries out of the chilly stone structure, out into the sunlight of a warm afternoon in Zora. He flashes a warm smile to the tall matis standing next to the mehktoub and securily fastens the last bundle of goods on the packer. They are off to Almati, off to offer their services to the rangers there. On their way towards the city gates of Zora, the young tryker turn back only once to look at their abandoned guild apartment.

- "You know P´run... I never really liked that place... Too dark, too deep below the ground. No wind. No sun. I think Im gonna like it more in the ranger camp. The tents, the campfires. Just like Silan. You remember your first time in Silan P´run? I remember how we used to sit around the campfire next to Be´Toolys. Artash scowling. Wher´ and Tinai getting drunk on Dante sap.... Remember when Wher´ got so drunk he threw his boots into the fire? Ah no... you wasnt there. He he... the Messabs almost panicked at the stench. Dixie... ah Dixie... And Shula and K´ndrus. Oh we will go visit them soon, wont we? I bet they have many small fyros on the way. He he... I cant wait to see K´ndrus face when he finds out Im not dead at all. I bet he´ll be real surprised..."

The matis looks down on the happily chatting tryker with a fond, if somewhat sad smile, nodding in aggreement: "I bet he will Mercellus. I bet he will".

Noticing the sad tone the tryker look up at the matis: "Dont be sad P´run. You know... Seeds are supposed to be scattered... Otherwise they´ll never grow!"

The matis puts his hand on the shoulder of the tryker, nodding thoughtfully, as they and the packer leave the city of Zora.


(2 replies, posted in Sava's Garden)

This place
is ok standard... Nothing fancy at all though. The kind of place where budget tourists, backpackers and visiting public schools stay for the night while they visit Århus... But its clean, cheap and not too far away from everything.

Dont take my word for it though - I dont really know much about the quality or prices of any other places here...

Hep. 15 is the minimum number agreed on... but maybe if I ask nicely 14 will be ok as well. Anyways glad to know you and your man will be joining us Nuala. And Mecha... cant you try to poke the former RGD staff?


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Agreed. Go for it Sandling, lets see what you can come up with :mrgreen:


(0 replies, posted in Roleplay)

((This hastily written note - in Zoraï pictograms – where delivered to the guildhall))

Good homins, friends of my friend, I greet you in blessings.

Drakfot has not improved. I am very worried. You should come. I cannot leave her side, but trust Kendrus knows his way to our village by now. As soon as possible. My guru asks also for the one who reached so far? I do not understand. I beg your forgiveness.

In blessings of peace

((Tomorrow thursday at 11pm danish time (9pm gmt) . I´ll simply launch the scenario and you can join from where you happen to be. Title is ´refugium 3´.))


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Norah wrote:

ok, think more like why does it look like a smiling man in a baseball cap?

Because it is the logo of The Laughing Man, and he wears a baseball cap?

I give up!


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

You got to give me a hint Norah smile Or perhabs another one here wants to take a shot at it? Feel free cause Im out of ideas here.


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Hmmm... drawing on wikipedia here...

3) Sunflower Society logo?