(31 replies, posted in Lore)

Manual Assembly

The art of building things by hand. Needed when there's no factory line for the production of a specific item.


(31 replies, posted in Lore)


A superconducting coil used in many of the electrical systems. There are six models of Supercoils, Mark VI being the newest but most low-quality.


(31 replies, posted in Lore)

Superconductor Maintenance Kit (SMK)

A large, complex tool specializing in the maintenance of the different superconducting components everywhere in the electrical systems in the Tower.


(31 replies, posted in Lore)

Remote Control Interface (RCI)

The RCI is a multipurpose software tool that looks much like a palmtop computer. It can wirelessly connect to any controlling hardware in the tower, without needing a special interface on the hardware's side. It can be used to control and modify the software run on the hardware on the fly.


(21 replies, posted in Data Fragments)

Nice that you zipped the Seed Kit for easier download.


(1 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Chia Pao
Position: Lead Scientist

Sender:Mohale - The Association of Scholars

I'm growing tired of the accusations cast upon myself and my ring at every turn, regardless of our best efforts to bring openness and cooperation to the Tower. Yes, we have rejeced many projects suggested by The Horizon. We've also rejected many projects brought forward by The Stargazers, The Watch, The Technocrats, The Jorian Reformist Party... about every ring there is in the Tower. And yes, the council has even rejected many projects by our own members, which I'm sure Mira would be happy to tell you about.

I, in turn, would like to remind people about a number of things: Since the Association of Scholars were put in charge of the research stations:
1) The number of accidents in research context has dropped by 69 %, and the number of fatalities by 83 %, due to the advanced risk analysis and mitigation techniques we impose on everyone using the stations.
2) Since all project plans are reviewed by a board of accomplished scientists, the productivity of the stations, measured in the amount and relevance of the discoveries, has increased.
3) All scientific discoveries have been open for everyone to view, due to our open result policy.

Most of the criticism boils down to one thing: it's unfair. It is. It is unfair that we hold more influence over the stations than others do. But it's a system that works and keeps us alive and the Tower in shape.

Sender:Isabel - The Horizon

I feel the need to remind the people of the Tower of the spirit of the agreement concerning the regulation and control of scientific stations. Mohale (a person, not a ring) was given the right and responsibility to see that the science stations are used safely - nothing more, nothing less. That is why he was given the access codes - not to give his ring express power over the ringlabs.

The policies of The Association of Scholars has, however, been contrary to this agreement - they wield their power to drive their own greed for power. Their decicions are based on backroom deals and bribery, not scientific interests. The proof for this is the rejection of several scientific projects that anyone (except for the Scholars, apparently) would deem worthwhile:

((list of projects might be added later))

Anyone notice a pattern? I give a hint: They've all been suggested by the same ring.

Okay, after the discussion at last session, it was decided: The sessions will be held on Sundays, at 13:00 CE(S)T, starting from next week.


(16 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Huo
Rank: Senior Member


(16 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Zeven
Rank: Ringmember


(4 replies, posted in Lore)

Decision time

Almost 20 years after the tower top being ripped off, 750 years after landing on Da Vinci and 1000 years after lauch from Earth, the colony is in a sinkhole of trouble.

The environment is running amok, the population count is increasing without end in sight, social systems are outdated and creaking, resources are strained, flash flood warning systems are deteriorating, machinery and critical life-support systems are wearing down. The colony has yet to figure out where exactly TAU's presumed damage is, and meanwhile new humans keep popping out.

Meanwhile, the colonists forget to coordinate their efforts, or the efforts become political issues. Everybody is devoted to their own ideas and work, and resources are wasted as people fail to co-operate.

Should they terraform or not? Make a habitat underground? Attempt to get off the planet? Try to build new floatbeds to ease the overpopulation? Alter their genetic structure to be more resistanc to the alien environment? Keep living in a suspended state unable to eat and have children? Time is running out?


(4 replies, posted in Lore)

The Downward Spiral

960 AA: It began with an enormous flash flood thundering down through the canyon and ramming the tower, flooding the lower levels. It turned out that a black alga designed to raisen overall temperatures through greenhouse effect unexpectedly had climbed a huge glacier to the east and managed to melt it. As the alga spread, flash floods became an annual event, and warning systems had to be constructed and put in place.

998 AA: A few decades later a storm-of-the-century slammed a huge rock into the tower top taking it almost clean off. The tower dropped almost a kilometre in height, and many colonists, as well as valuable space and machinery, were lost. It was feared that the incident caused substantial internal damage to TAU, soon to be indicated by an epoch-making event in the colony history.

(??? Change this ???) Large clusters of floatbeds suddenly began growing humans at a rapid pace. Another result of the rock was the apparent damage to floatbed column 6 in the speedgrowth chamber, causing one of six colonists to be hatched either in a vegetative state or with severe brain disorders. At fist, the 17 last remaining first colonists were relieved to get more help to develop the tower that was rapidly deteriorating despite their best efforts. But when it started to seem the flow of new colonists would not stop, people started to worry. It was calculated that in 7 years the floatbed capacity would run out, but no solution to the problem has been found as of yet (May 4th, 104 AA (After Awakening). The population of the tower is now over 1200.


(4 replies, posted in Lore)

The Human Factor

0 AA: As years went by TAU tried to keep the environmental hazards at bay around the new tower. After another 600 years, now 913 years since Solidarity left Earth, it was clear, that something extraordinary was needed, if the colony project should have any hope of surviving.

As a last resort TAU hatched 100 humans from the floatbeds. They were speed-grown and speed-trained in every known aspect of planetary engineering and all were full of enthusiasm and ideas.

The colonists named their new home planet Da Vinci in honour of human ingenuity. However, the ingenuity soon resulted in ideas and projects working counter to one another. The half-measures ended up causing even more disturbance in the planet ecological system.

30 AA: Microbes and bacteria began infecting the tower, and the first colonist fell victim to the alien environment. The culprit was believed to be an unchecked mutation of a terrestrial bacteria released into the environment.

And more casualties were to come.


(4 replies, posted in Lore)

The Perfect Planet

702 BA: After travelling for over 200 years, Solidarity arrived at the planet in the Beta Hyi system. To kick off the terraforming process, the remains of the protective iceberg was slammed into the surface of the planet.

686 BA: In the crater TAU constructed a tower to house the terraforming machinery, and everything seemed to go according to the plan that had already worked on Mars.

610 BA: Soon, however, the weather on the planet started to get worse. In the beginning it was just a matter of frequent showers and windy weather, but during the following years it gradually became more devastating. Maybe the iceberg ramming had changed the planet a bit too much.

600 BA: 80 years after landing on the planet, the storms and hurricanes jeopardized the tower and the entire colony project. TAU determined to build a new tower further south and deep down in a canyon for additional protection.

The old tower was stripped down and the ruins left as a reminder of the fragility of the project.


(4 replies, posted in Lore)

Journey to the Stars

((Note for those who've already read the Seed backstory: There is some new information hidden here:))

Having successfully colonized the Moon and Mars, Earth was looking further away for the purpose of spreading humanity wide across the universe. The recent development of ram scoop propulsion made the bold vision possible.

During th course of decades, five huge starships were carefully designed and, finally, built. Each a kilometre long and filled with machines needed for terraforming a suitable planet into a habitable environment for humans. To act as shields against meteors and other hazards, giant icebergs were mounted to the front of the ships. The ships were named after the five virtues, valued highest in the Technocracy: Liberty, Wisdom, Creativity, Patience, and Solidarity.

The humans themselves were not to populate the ships. Instead, DNA codes, sperms and eggs were carried along in cryocoolers leaving it to the TAU computers aboard to hatch the colonists at the right time.

TAU was also to contain any relevant Earthly knowledge. This proved to trigger a long and heated debate about what to store in the database. At the end it was decided to include knowledge about all aspects of human life, including violence and wars, but to train the colonists to avoid those to a greatest extent. Thus, no detailed instructions on weapons and warfare tactics was included.

During the centuries before the ships were finished, several suitable planets had been identified. The five most promising ones were picked for the first five missions. Liberty set off for HO Librae, Wisdom to Alpha Centauri, Creativity to 51-Pegasi, Patience to 47 Ursae Majoris, and finally, Solidarity began its journey towards a planet orbiting the star Beta Hyi, 24.4 light years away. Probes indicated an atmosphere, water and living micro organisms.

The year Solidarity launched from Earth was, by the calendar of the Da Vincians, 913 BA (Before Awakening).

A giant leap towards a glorious future was taken.


(4 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Merry Smile


(7 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Ping
Position: Council Member


(7 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Riki
Position: Member


(10 replies, posted in Lore)

The Age of Wisdom

In the Technocracy, the power was held by the intelligent and highly educated. This worked both on the grass level, where people passed their votes to their friends and collagues, and on the high level, where top experts of different disciplines dealed in votes counted in hundreds of millions. Thus, it's not surprising that intelligence and education became the most valued traits in the society.

More and more pressure was placed on education as people wanted their children to learn as much as they could as fast as they could. Soon it became evident that traditional teaching methods were no longer sufficient. Experts in neurology turned their attention to the unused capacity of the human brain. They developed procedures for harnessing that capacity to speed up learning and to enhance memory. Only a decade later, the first speedtraining facilities were invented - information was downloaded directly into the brain, using a combination of nanobots and neurological stimulation.

Speedtraining wasn't the answer for everyone, though. The large and expensive facilities developed, with time, into more affordable devices, controlled by the necklink with a connection to a remote database. However, the process didn't work equally for everyone. It depended heavily on DNA: those with high IQ and good memory were likely to learn quicker and more reliably using the new system as well. The gap between the intelligentsia and the stupid ones grew even wider.

When the Seed ships were launched, during the Seventh Decade of the Technocracy, DNA screenings for smart genes were commonplace for the wealthy families of Earth. Such techniques were also used to select the genetic material on board the Seed ships. As a result, the people on Da Vinci, as well as the other colonies, are the smartest, most capable people, spreading the best of humanity into the galaxy.


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Hmph... It's just that the actual image makes this quiz so much harder...


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

Since your link only leads to a page with the words "None shall pass!", I think I have a case.:) (Or is this a problem in my end somehow?)


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

John Cleese in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


(0 replies, posted in Lore)

Here's the speedgrowth discussion from our very first session. It's not our usual RP: It's a scene from the old Earth with Dr Sing Chi explaining the process of speedgrowth to Mrs Kapur. The questions asked under the nicks of our player characters are actually questions asked by Mrs Kapur. The idea was to have this going on, and at the same time each player describing their character's own speedgrowth experience.

<Sing_Chi> Greetings, Mrs Kapur, and thank you for seeing me. I'm really pleased for this opportunity to present the final design of the floatbed chamber and the speedlearning process.
<Sing_Chi> I'll get straight to business then, and describe the most brilliant way the process let's you speed up the learning processes considerably.
<Sing_Chi> I won't go into details on the physical side of how an infant is grown into a full-grown human being in less than two years - that's not really my area of expertise. Instead I'll describe the structured learning process that doesn't only use up to 60 per cent of the human brain capacity, but also creates the necessary connections considerably faster than what happens naturally.
<Sing_Chi> The first stage of the process begins right after the infant has reached the development level of a newborn baby. That's when we start to administer certain stimulants to speed up the forming of connections between the synapses.
<Sing_Chi> At this stage the basic cognitive processes are activated, resulting in the gradual awakening of the consciousness.
<Sing_Chi> The subject rarely remembers this experience, so we can't be sure what it's like exactly, but I would assume it's like awakening.
<Sing_Chi> The infant brain is constantly stimulated by simple impulses, that form basic shapes and colors, as well as a selected variety of different sounds, smells, tastes and feelings.
<Mizuki> What selected variety would these be Mr. Chi? What is set up to shape the subjects personality?
<Sing_Chi> This is mainly for the purposes of teaching the very basics of cognition, hardly anything to shape personality at this stage. Perhaps, though, the peaceful flow of these sensations would favor a patient, calm, thoughtful personality.
<Sing_Chi> Exactly the kind you need on such a long project as colonisation, I might add.
* Mizuki nods
<Sing_Chi> In time, the infant will learn to navigate among this simple virtual reality by playing with the database navigation functionality implanted into its necklink.
<Sing_Chi> Often they will spend hours just chasing one particular shape or sound they find to be to their liking.
<Sing_Chi> The stimuli's complexity is increased, of course, introducing speach, music, natural shapes like simple tools, plants, houses, animals, many things.
<Sing_Chi> It's crucial to introduce database navigation controls at an early stage, since it'll be used in the later stages of the learning.
<Sing_Chi> The complexity of the virtual world will gradually grow while the infant is navigating the database. It can look into things of interest to it already at this stage, though not in an organized manner.
<Sing_Chi> The experience is rather dreamlike, if I'd have to describe it.
<Sing_Chi> Finally, the virtual world will start simulating real-world physics, allowing the infant to practice basic motor functions such as walking. To make the process more straightforward, the avatar the infant perceives itself as resembles the projected appearance of itself as an adult.
<Sing_Chi> The infant is strongly guided in its effort to learn, making it learn walking within days.
<Sing_Chi> It's a very streamlined experience, with little decicion making on part of the infant.
<Sing_Chi> Well, not really an infant at this stage anymore, since the physical growth has reached the stage of childhood. I'll refer to it as "the subject" from now on.
<Sing_Chi> When the subject has learned to control her body like an adult does, the physical simulation is once again terminated, and true learning begins.
<Sing_Chi> At this stage, basic knowlegde is downloaded into the subject's brain, using strong stimulants to quickly form the connections needed to store the information. While the download is progressing, the brain will start reorganizing the information in an individual way, making the subject experience a myriad of different dreams.
<Sing_Chi> The information stored in this stage is about high-school to early university level of knowledge on several fields, such as the history of the human race, or natural sciences.
<Sing_Chi> This information is common to all subject, though the dreams experienced may vary greatly. Test subjects have reported hearing operas of Vagner, walking the streets of 13th century Paris and traversing the molecules of different substances.
<Sing_Chi> Since now, the subject has not been able to perform a truly conscious decicion, though.
<Mike> ((Do you mean "until now?"))
<Sing_Chi> ((Yes.))
<Sing_Chi> But after the download of the information, which lasts about three months, the subject will be introduced to lucidity.
<Sing_Chi> We've tried to keep lucid periods to a minimum, since we're not able to speed up conscious brain activity safely. However, it's crucial for a colonist to be able to think for herself, and that can only be achieved through conscious decicion making.
<Sing_Chi> So the subject is brought into a heightened stage of consciousness, where she will usually have a rather confusing experience that can last for days or even weeks, before she can truly comprehend her existence.
<Sing_Chi> During this time she's kept company by the Terraforming Assistance Unit that explains her who she is, where she is and the purpose of her existence - that is, the colonisation of a new world.
<Sing_Chi> TAU communicates with her verbally at this stage, in a calm, impersonal voice.
<Sing_Chi> While in this high stage of consciousness, the database is constantly accessible to the subject, though the physical simulation is offline.
<Sing_Chi> The subject will be given the task to explore the database on her own now, finding out things about topics they find personally interesting.
<Mike> Question.
<Sing_Chi> Yes?
<Mike> During these stages when the subject is conscious but the physical simulation is offline - does she still experience some kind of world, even though the laws of physics don't apply?
<Sing_Chi> Yes. It's a database interface, to put it simply.
<Sing_Chi> When the subject is not browsing data, there is no sensations. The subject can, however, by simply willing it, enter any entry in the database. Those entries, then, have their own set of simulations. Some may simply input knowledge into the subject's brain while others may give images or even simulated experiences, such as walking through a historical landscape.
<Sing_Chi> Did this answer your questions satisfactorily?
<Mike> Yes, thank you.
<Sing_Chi> While the subject is exploring areas of interest, the process will also download information about relative topics to the subject's brain.
<Sing_Chi> This will, once again, manifest itself as dreams - during these downloads the conscious processes are turned off.
<Sing_Chi> These things will continue to the very end of the speedgrowth process. The subject will variate between lucid experiences and dreamlike download sequences. But yet other kinds of experiences will interrupt that from time to time.
<Sing_Chi> The next thing to introduce, about half-way to the process, is the communication aspect of the necklink.
<Mizuki> A question again Mr. Chi. Will different ethnicities be somehow drawn to their own cultrue and history?
<Sing_Chi> Quite curiously, that happens quite often.
<Sing_Chi> ...
<Sing_Chi> It seems that coming across images of humans closely similar to the avatar of the subject herself triggers strong feelings of familiarity. This often leads to an urge to learn more about this particular group of people.
<Sing_Chi> It's also possible for the subject to find geneological information about herself in the database.
<Sing_Chi> Thus enabling her to track down information on her genetic ancestry.
<Sing_Chi> Did this answer your question?
<Mizuki> It did, and it is indeed curious.
<Sing_Chi> But I was going into the social aspect of the development process.
<Sing_Chi> TAU will now group the people in a single patch in groups of four, and their avatars are brought together into a single space.
<Mizuki> Is this before or after they have gotten knowledge of the tower itself and the things we do here?
<Sing_Chi> The historical context of the mission is given at the very beginning of the conscious stage by TAU in speach.
* Sing_Chi is now known as Farid
<Mike> ((speech))
<Farid> ((Whatever.))
* Farid is now known as Sing_Chi
<Sing_Chi> The subjects will find themselves in the company of others, to practice their social skills. This is done in a lucid stage. They already have the universal language downloaded into their brain so that is not a barrier.
<Sing_Chi> ((Change four people to three.))
* Sing_Chi is now known as Farid
* Farid is now known as Sing_Chi
<Sing_Chi> The group will continue to interract in different activities over time. They are given tasks such as repair problems and research to complete together.
<Sing_Chi> All of these exersizes are done in lucid mode, and they also serve as practice for their skills.
<Sing_Chi> At other times these practice sessions are done alone, particularly the ones that concentrate on highly specialized activities.
<Sing_Chi> These sessions will continue throughout the rest of the process, with only one major event to do:
<Sing_Chi> Only days before releasing the subject to the real world, TAU asks her to come up with a name for herself.
<Sing_Chi> This is pretty much all there is besides myriads of technical details.
<Sing_Chi> Do you have any additional questions at this stage, Mrs Kapur?
<Mizuki> None for now Mr. Chi.
* Mizuki has left #stsc_speedgrowth
* Tagato has left #stsc_speedgrowth
* Mike has left #stsc_speedgrowth (Leaving)
* Ishi has left #stsc_speedgrowth
* Andrea has left #stsc_speedgrowth
Session Close: Sat Jan 20 02:51:25 2007


(5 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

Should have added at least:

- when another player character kills him/her