(5 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

I'd like to ask you opinions about the death of player characters. The poll is about the criteria of PC death, but I'd also like to ask how often death should happen. Should surviving through each year in the tower be an accomplishment or should death of a PC be a very rare, once (or never) in a campaign event.

Please note that if you agree that characters should be allowed to die in this or that condition, you also agree to not quit the campaign if it happens to your character (but instead create a new character).


(15 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

Hmm... I don't have a junk mail folder, so I must have mistaken your name and the message subject for spam quite by myself (if the subject was something like "Hello Kryigerof!" it's likely)... a downside of using nicks.

Well, if you're sure you wouldn't like it, then it's a shame. However, Norah and Kendrus were also sceptical at first, but now I believe they like it. Also, RP is hardly ever interesting when observed/read afterwards.


(15 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)



(3 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Kamala
Position: Fire Chief

Actually, I'll take that back. Let's have some solo/dual stuff for Mike and Tagato. It's not like having two solo threads at a time would be somehow worse than having five.:)

Due to too many absences, the session is cancelled.


(0 replies, posted in Ring Information)

Name: The French Clique
Formed: 16.8.103
Organization: Informal
Leadership: Informal
Status: Active

We're a ring for all of you French people out there!

Ainur - leader
Jean-Pierre (dead)
Elise (dead)


(3 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

I agree collecting such data is a good idea, but I'll want to look at each of them before they're accepted into the official "Seed - The Second Chance" lore.


(10 replies, posted in Lore)

The political system of the Earth that sent the Seed ships was a technology-aided direct democracy. Every citicen of the globally governed planet was able to vote on any political decicion they liked. Voting was made easy by necklink technology combined with a computer system that calculated the results and informed the interested parties.

Due to the amount of polls that often involved very complex technological and philosophical issues, hardly anyone would take part in all the polls. Instead, through personalizable settings in their necklink they could transfer their votes to others. Since the polls were categorized in several different ways, you could for example transfer your votes concerning mathematical education to a renowned mathematician while letting your economist sister handle your votes concerning those matters. This was fully automatic as long as the settings were in place.

Since you could vote yourself on matters you cared much about, the system gave less power to ideological, generalist leaders. Instead, those who were experts in their fields would get a lot of transfered votes concerning their speciality, especially if their fields were visible but hard to comprehend. This led to the increase in the power of those highly educated in technology, which coined the term "Technocracy".


(3 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

I thought it'd be a good idea to start a thread were we can give each other feedback so that it doesn't vanish somewhere into the logs. Since even though the campaign generally feels good to me, there are many things that are less than optimal. So feel free to give comments on both me and each other, to enhance the experience this campaign gives in the future

I'll start by discussing the general way we seem to be playing:

First I have to mention how great it is that most of you are usually in time for the sessions. That's simply remarkable.

You all seem to write pretty well. I enjoy reading your descriptions and your dialogue. Your characters are well fleshed out and feel like real people. You come up with novel and unexpected solutions to problems.

There are some problems, though:

1) Slowness. We're having trouble controlling the level of detail in our conversations and descriptions. We play out every discussion line by line, and consider every little detail in our plans. We need to learn some new techniques here, use more compact language perhaps. For instance, we could try using indirect quotes any time we can. (Such as "Mike asks what to do if we spot a Lurker in one of the sensors" instead of detailing the conversation line by line, starting from the "Good Afternoons" - I know you didn't do that last Friday, but just an example.)

Generally, we should go into details mainly if you feel the extra detail will bring something interesting to the situation. And when the topic feels done, don't hesitate to bring the level of detail down again.

2) Limit of GM attention. This is obviously related to the above. The nature of this campaign is that people do stuff in groups of one to three a lot of the time. Often the amount of active plot threads at a time is even four. Now I can handle two threads at once fairly well, three with difficulty, but beyond that I have to prioritize.

Thus, it would be nice if you could find ways to create interesting and meaningful roleplay without GM attention when I'm working on another plotline. I know most of you are able to do that since that's the only way you can do any roleplay in the average MMORPG. So don't hesitate to take a bit of storypower here and there to accommodate this. It's perfectly okay to say, for example, that Mizuki runs into Ishi in Canyon without consulting GM and Ishi. If one of them has an objection, it's up to them to state it. Also, even the most introverted of people will end up running into others and talking to them every now and then (after all, even I do that).

Here I'd like to mention that I really enjoyed that conversation between Mike and Mizuki at the Window a little after joining The Horizon. More of that! If you feel you don't have interesting topics to build upon, tell me and we'll work something out (even during sessions - if a little extra time spent kicks off an interesting thing between you, it's a good trade).

3) My lack of preparation. Once a week is pretty often for a campaign to happen, so sometimes I simply haven't had those couple of hours I need to organize my thoughts in preparation for a session. That will also lead to slowness and uninteresting stuff happening. I wouldn't cut down on the sessions, though - it's slow enough as it is, and thus it doesn't usually require preparing so much new stuff.

Okay, lots of suggestions, but don't stress about them. And please comment on these issues and raise your own.


(15 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

Curious. Those logs didn't even feature McGregor...:)


(15 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

Oluf, did you notice the logs I sent (to your e-mail)? How'd you find them?


(6 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Hansila
Position: Colonist (nominal leader)


(3 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Omer
Position: Firefighter


(6 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Yanagimoto
Position: Colonist


(3 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Zahra
Job: Engineer


(3 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Lhi
Job: Engineer


(7 replies, posted in Ring Information)


Name: Jesse
Position: Council Member


(16 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

TAU Master Processes Project

Contact person: Jaana - Society of Free Colonists
Location: Below the Middle Cluster
Time: Canceled

As we all know, TAU has been severely fragmented. There are at least three fragments that are not able to communicate with each other. Those are: the Middle Cluster fragment, the Lower Cluster fragment, and TAU Master Processes.

The interesting thing about TAU Master Processes is that that is the part designed to be in charge of TAU, so to speak. Thus it has the most processing power and AI algorithms of the fragments. And we can gain access to those resources if we see this project through.

What I'm suggesting is to reconnect the Middle Cluster fragment with TAU Master Processes. For this we must venture down into the structure below the Middle Cluster, for approximately 200 meters, where the Master Process Core is located. By building a series of relay stations we will then reconnect the fragments.

I'm working on this with Da Vinci Prospectors but we need anyone with the technological knowledge needed to build the relay stations. That means, hardware, software, power, and structural engineering. If you want to take part in the project, please contact me.

Canceled on December 104: Unfortunately, after careful study of the data we have of the power spike, it seems very likely that the Master Process Core has been seriously damaged. So seriously that it's better to focus on our existing AI resources for the time being, instead of risking a dangerous journey.


(659 replies, posted in Steambaths)

It's the one who finishes the puzzle, right? That being Sandling.


(15 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

I think I'll PM Oluf the logs for the meeting at the Fire Station, unless somebody objects. That shouldn't at least have anything you hide from each other, so it should be okay.


(15 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

Well, there's nothing scary about the way we play, and you can try it out with a character of your own with no obligation to stay. The pro for that would be that you wouldn't accidentally learn any secrets of the others. But if you really want to just sit and watch, then it's okay too.

Could you do this tryout on a Friday? Such as next Friday?


(15 replies, posted in Seed: The Second Chance)

Oluf, would you join us if we moved the game to Sunday at 13:00 CET? Esme? Others?

Last time the GM attention was elsewhere (meaning: at Andrea and Ishi) at the end, but it's of course possible that playing to the early hours is tiresome to some people.

Is it?

So we have one strong opinion for both days, as well as several not-so-strong ones for both, leaning somewhat to the Sunday side. I suppose Friday as the agreed on day would take precedence then.

EDIT: At least until we know if anybody new wants to join us.

14 CET would mean 5 hours of gaming - starting troubles. Considering the slowness of the playing, that would border on too little, unless we manage to usually start it at 14 sharp.

Dustman, we're waiting for your input.